With the rapid increase in the internet technologies, Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) are identified as a crucial primitive for the vehicular communication in which the moving vehicles are treated as nodes to form a mobile network. To ameliorate the efficiency and traffic security of the communication, a VANET can wirelessly circulate the traffic information and status to the participating vehicles (nodes). Before deploying a VANET, a security and privacy mechanism must be implemented to assure the secure communication. Due to this issue, a number of conditional privacy-preserving authentication schemes are proposed in the literature to guarantee the mutual authentication and privacy protection. However, most of these schemes use the Diffie–Hellman (DH) problems to secure the communication. Note that, these DH-type problems can be solved in polynomial-time in the presence of new modern technologies like quantum computers. Therefore, to remove these difficulties, we motivated to attempt a non-DH type conditional privacy-preserving authentication scheme which can resist the quantum computers. In this paper, we developed the first lattice-based conditional privacy-preserving authentication (LB-CPPA) protocol for VANETs. A random oracle model is used to analyze the security of proposed protocol. The security of our LB-CPPA scheme is based on the complexity of lattice problems. By security analysis, we show that our proposal endorses the message integrity and authentication as well as the privacy preservation at the same time. A security comparison of our claim is also done. Further, we analyze the performance of the proposed scheme and compare it with the DH-type schemes.
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Mukherjee, S., Gupta, D.S. & Biswas, G.P. An efficient and batch verifiable conditional privacy-preserving authentication scheme for VANETs using lattice. Computing 101, 1763–1788 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00607-018-0689-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00607-018-0689-3