Several IoT platforms have been proposed to support and facilitate the development of IoT applications. Unfortunately, using an IoT platform makes the developed application strongly dependent on the specific platform’s functionalities. This reduces the portability of the IoT application that may require significant adaptations, or a complete re-design, for being migrated towards other platforms. To mitigate the lack of IoT application portability, we present X-IoT (read as cross-IoT), a model-driven approach supporting the development of cross-platform IoT applications. X-IoT is based on a Domain-Specific Modelling Language (DSML) and its related notation, whose development has been guided by a deep analysis of IoT application characteristics. Tool support is provided through the ADOxx platform, which allows using the DSML to model platform-independent IoT applications, that can be successively refined and deployed on selected IoT platforms. The applicability of the approach is demonstrated through a meeting room scenario.

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This work has been partially supported by the MIUR project PRIN “Fluidware” (A Novel Approach for Large-Scale IoT Systems, n. 2017KRC7KT) and by Marche Region in implementation of the financial programme POR MARCHE FESR 2014–2020, project “Miracle” (Marche Innovation and Research fAcilities for Connected and sustainable Living Environments), CUP B28I19000330007.
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Corradini, F., Fedeli, A., Fornari, F. et al. X-IoT: a model-driven approach to support IoT application portability across IoT platforms. Computing 105, 1981–2005 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00607-023-01155-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00607-023-01155-z
- Internet of things
- Software portability
- IoT platforms
- Cross-platform applications
- Model driven engineering
- Domain-specific modelling language