The search for similar subsequences is a core module for various analytical tasks in sequence databases. Typically, the similarity computations require users to set a length. However, there is no robust means by which to define the proper length for different application needs. In this study, we examine a new query that is capable of returning the longest-lasting highly correlated subsequences in a sequence database, which is particularly helpful to analyses without prior knowledge regarding the query length. A baseline, yet expensive, solution is to calculate the correlations for every possible subsequence length. To boost performance, we study a space-constrained index that provides a tight correlation bound for subsequences of similar lengths and offset by intraobject and interobject grouping techniques. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first index to support a normalized distance metric of arbitrary length subsequences. In addition, we study the use of a smart cache for disk-resident data (e.g., millions of sequence objects) and a graph processing unit-based parallel processing technique for frequently updated data (e.g., nonindexable streaming sequences) to compute the longest-lasting highly correlated subsequences. Extensive experimental evaluation on both real and synthetic sequence datasets verifies the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed methods.

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In this work the terms ‘correlation’ and ‘similarity’ are interchangeable.
Lock-step measures may be more preferable for sequences whose values are collected periodically (e.g., financial data and sensor values).
BP is the abbreviation of British Petroleum.
As reported by [44], a query is trivially correlated to two close subsequences, which may give a meaningless result.
The values of \(\mu \) and \(\sigma \) may be changed significantly with subsequences of different lengths.
The proof can be found in our preliminary study [29].
The space overhead (i.e., O(2m)) of \(S_{q}\) and \(S_{q^2}\) is negligible.
For clarity, the time complexity of every single step is stated in the pseudocodes.
Our techniques are also applicable to p-norm distance. The details are omitted for simplicity.
Assuming that the number of objects is larger than the maximum number of threads supported by the GPU device.
No locking is required as each bit flag is accessed only by its corresponding thread.
The length pruning technique is based on a lower bound derived from the maximum normalized z-value in a sequence over all possible means and variances at all lengths [37].
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This work was supported by Grants MYRG109(Y1-L3)-FST12ULH, MYRG2014-00106-FST, MYRG105-FST13-GZG, and MYRG2015-00070-FST from UMAC Research Committee, Grants FDCT/106/2012/A3 and FDCT/116/2013/A3 from FDCT Macau, and Grant GRF 152043/15E from Hong Kong RGC.
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Li, Y., U, L.H., Yiu, M.L. et al. Efficient discovery of longest-lasting correlation in sequence databases. The VLDB Journal 25, 767–790 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00778-016-0432-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00778-016-0432-7