Data Warehouses (DWs) requir e storing and analyzing time-varying data to reflect changes that occur in the business world. Solutions to this problem build on the field of temporal databases and adopt the tuple-timestamping approach, where tuples are timestamped with their validity interval. Alternatively, the attribute timestamping approach represents a time-varying attribute with a list of its evolving values and the time when these changes occurred. The SQL:2011 standard has favored the tuple timestamping approach, which has also been used for temporal DWs, despite that it yields very long and complex SQL queries. This paper aims at reconciling both approaches and advocates for a database that can support both models, in a way such that they complement each other. We show that, to efficiently operate with tuple timestamping, we need appropriate time data types and operations for representing and manipulating temporal elements. We also show that many applications are more naturally and efficiently modeled and implemented using attribute timestamping. To prove the feasibility of our proposal, we implemented a portion of the TPC-DS benchmark using three alternative approaches, two of them based on classic tuple timestamping (including the well-known slowly-changing dimensions model), and a third one, based on our proposal. For the latter, we used MobilityDB, a novel spatiotemporal database built on top of PostgreSQL, that integrates both models in a natural way. Experiments showed that our proposal outperformed the other two ones, in many cases, by orders of magnitude.

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MobilityDB, the database we use later to implement the abstract model, also includes geometry and geography as base types but they are not considered in this paper.
The span and span set types in MobilityDB correspond to the range and multirange types in PostgreSQL, but they have a more efficient implementation.
Currently, MobilityDB provides temporal types only at the timestamptz granularity.
MobilityDB also provides the temporal types tgeompoint and tgeogpoint, which are based on the PostGIS types geometry and geography restricted to 2D and 3D points.
Kimball also proposed SCD Types 4 through 7, but we omit them since they are particular cases not related to this paper.
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A. Vaisman and L. Gómez were partially supported by Project PICT 2017-1054, from the Argentinian Scientific Agency. The authors also thank Maxime Schoemans for his invaluable help in the analysis and optimization of the queries studied in this paper.
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Ahmed, W., Gómez, L., Vaisman, A. et al. Reconciling tuple and attribute timestamping for temporal data warehouses. The VLDB Journal 34, 11 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00778-024-00889-2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00778-024-00889-2