Sport is a domain full of movement-based interactions. These interactions typically have positive health effects as well as an impact on social bonding. We have investigated ways in which computer augmented devices can lead to new sport experiences and explored opportunities to combine physical activities with remote social bonding. Three prototypes have been implemented which showcase movement-based interaction in sports. “Breakout for Two” allows geographically distant users to play a physically exhausting ball game together. “FlyGuy” gives users a hang-glide experience controllable through body movement. “Push’N’Pull” uses isometric exercise equipment over a network to encourage users to complete a cooperative game whilst performing intense muscular actions. A comparison of these applications shows that such movement-based interaction in a networked environment allows players in different locations to achieve a work out and also to socialize. Based on these projects, we conclude with practical design implications for future Exertion Interfaces.
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The authors wish to thank Stefan Agamanolis and Eckehard Moritz in particular. Breakout for Two was realized with the support from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rosalind Picard, Ted Selker and Media Lab Europe. Push’N’Pull thanks Wouter Walmink and centre for networking technologies for the information economy (CeNTIE), which is supported by the Australian Government through the advanced networks program (ANP) of the Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts and the CSIRO ICT Centre. The FlyGuy research was conducted in the Tele Athletic New Experience (TANE) project which was funded by the Japanese Ministry for Education, Science, Culture, and Sports. The research consortia was headed by SportKreativWerkstatt, Munich, Germany.
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Mueller, F.‘., Stevens, G., Thorogood, A. et al. Sports over a Distance. Pers Ubiquit Comput 11, 633–645 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00779-006-0133-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00779-006-0133-0