Identifying people and tracking their locations is a key prerequisite to achieving context awareness in smart spaces. Moreover, in realistic context-aware applications, these tasks have to be carried out in a non-obtrusive fashion. In this paper we present a set of robust person-identification and tracking algorithms, based on audio and visual processing. A main characteristic of these algorithms is that they operate on far-field and un-constrained audio–visual streams, which ensure that they are non-intrusive. We also illustrate that the combination of their outputs can lead to composite multimodal tracking components, which are suitable for supporting a broad range of context-aware services. In combining audio–visual processing results, we exploit a context-modeling approach based on a graph of situations. Accordingly, we discuss the implementation of realistic prototype applications that make use of the full range of audio, visual and multimodal algorithms.

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This work is sponsored by the European Union under the integrated project CHIL, contract number 506909.
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Pnevmatikakis, A., Soldatos, J., Talantzis, F. et al. Robust multimodal audio–visual processing for advanced context awareness in smart spaces. Pers Ubiquit Comput 13, 3–14 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00779-007-0169-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00779-007-0169-9