I present a pre-history of contemporary handheld projector-based interaction to inform the design of future interactive systems. I begin by documenting the two main types of pre-cinema handheld projection from Europe and Japan, the handheld magic lantern and the utsushi-e performance. I then present a summary of projection techniques used by performers when interacting with these devices. I situate these techniques within contemporary research and illustrate how they are being used and built upon with contemporary technology. Finally, I discuss how knowledge of pre-cinema handheld projection devices, techniques, and performance can inform the design of future handheld projector systems.

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I firstly thank Jack Judson for providing me with access to his collection at the Magic Lantern Castle Museum and valuable historical information on handheld magic lanterns. I thank Mark D Gross for assisting with early drafts of this paper. I also thank Erkki Huhtamo for providing imagery and for his valuable lectures at Carnegie Mellon University and Waseda University. This project was partially funded by a GuSH grant from Carnegie Mellon University.
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Willis, K.D.D. A pre-history of handheld projector-based interaction. Pers Ubiquit Comput 16, 5–15 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00779-011-0373-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00779-011-0373-5