Team is a group of people who share the common object. However, in the dynamically changing situation, the existing members may be excluded, and new members may be included. This change is one of the most critical problems, which cause the failure of the team. In this paper, we propose a way of maintaining team in spite of the member’s modification. In order to achieve this object, we employ an abstract layer between team and member. This layer provides roles to the team by hiding the members. Therefore, a team can be free from the actual members, and members can be free from binding to a specific team. The roles binding, which connects member to the team, is provided in the proposed model according to the situation by matchmaking the best suitable member for a given role. By this, even the team’s members are changed, the role, which is required in the team, can be bound to other suitable member. In the matchmaking process, it is not sufficient to find a member, who has ability to perform the required role, because a team needs a fellowship among the members. For this, a social relation is used as criteria for calculating the suitability of role binding.

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Lee, K., Kim, J., Rho, S. et al. Social relation-based dynamic team organization by context-aware matchmaking. Pers Ubiquit Comput 17, 1753–1760 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00779-012-0608-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00779-012-0608-0