The goal of the RERS challenge is to evaluate the effectiveness of various verification and validation approaches on reactive systems, a class of systems that is highly relevant for industrial critical applications. The RERS challenge brings together researchers from different areas of software verification and validation, including static analysis, model checking, theorem proving, symbolic execution, and testing. The challenge provides a forum for experimental comparison of different techniques on specifically designed verification tasks. These benchmarks are automatically synthesized to exhibit chosen properties, and then enhanced to include dedicated dimensions of difficulty, such as conceptual complexity of the properties (e.g., reachability, safety, liveness), size of the reactive systems (a few hundred lines to millions of lines), and complexity of language features (arrays and pointer arithmetic). The STTT special section on RERS describes the results of the evaluations and the different analysis techniques that were used in the RERS challenges 2012 and 2013.
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The name RERS originally was an acronym for regular extrapolation of reactive systems. Although the acronym remained the same, the challenge itself has evolved towards a broader focus, addressing a variety of techniques for analyzing and inferring the behavior of reactive systems, leading to a change of the name and scope to rigorous examination of reactive systems.
The more common prefixes ? and ! for inputs and outputs, respectively, cause confusion with the unary negation operator !.
An overview of the team members, as well as more detailed statistics can be found at http://rers-challenge.org/2012/index.php?page=results.
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We would like to thank Rustan Leino and Jaco van de Pol for their helpful comments, and Maren Geske for her assistance in implementing the challenge infrastructure.
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An introduction to the RERS challenge 2012 was published in Proc. ISoLA’12 [26].
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Howar, F., Isberner, M., Merten, M. et al. Rigorous examination of reactive systems. Int J Softw Tools Technol Transfer 16, 457–464 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10009-014-0337-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10009-014-0337-y