The Hybrid ERTMS/ETCS Level 3 is a standard for the management and interoperation of signalling for railways by the European Union. Its aim was to increase the throughput of railway tracks, by integrating the physical information coming from the trackside detection system with information transmitted by the train itself regarding its position and integrity. In this paper, we propose a formal model of the Hybrid ERTMS/ETCS Level 3 (ver. 1A) in Promela and its validation using Spin. We describe how we derived the model from the informal requirements and the abstractions we applied during this process; moreover, we explain how we validated and verified the model, and the ambiguities we detected in the requirements document. Although Spin provides very good verification facilities, it lacks a proper support for performing user-driven validation by simulation and scenario specification; therefore, we propose two facilities built upon the Promela language (having different expressive power) that allow for easy specification of scenario execution.
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Actually, two trains can be in a TTD if they are operating in on-sight mode in which the drivers are fully responsible for the train movement; this setting, however, is an exceptional case that is not a part of normal operational mode.
The command we used for testing the scenarios was: spin -X -B -Dsce=1 model.pml. This leads to a formatted output with not much overwhelming information.
The complete report on requirements coverage is available at https://github.com/jankofron/abz18-casestudy-spin/blob/master/reqs.md.
All the models, scenarios, and verification results are available online at https://github.com/jankofron/abz18-casestudy-spin.
We discuss the limitations of our model later in Sect. 3.1.
Note that the case study assignment [1] considers movement only in one direction, i.e. no backward moves. In reality, however, this can occur due to train stretching after releasing the brake close to a TTD boundary.
Note that we allow at most two trains in the system.
Note that the same logging facilities are also available in normal simulation and in the DSL mode.
The only log of the changes is in the Modification history [23] that reports “Corrections after ENIF test” for version 1B and “Further corrections after review 1B” for version 1C.
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P. Arcaini is supported by ERATO HASUO Metamathematics for Systems Design Project (No. JPMJER1603), JST, Funding Reference No.: 10.13039/501100009024 ERATO. J. Kofroň is supported by the Czech Science Foundation Project No. 17-12465S.
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Arcaini, P., Kofroň, J. & Ježek, P. Validation of the Hybrid ERTMS/ETCS Level 3 using Spin. Int J Softw Tools Technol Transfer 22, 265–279 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10009-019-00539-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10009-019-00539-x