This paper proposes an effective segmentation-free approach using a hybrid neural network hidden Markov model (NN-HMM) for offline handwritten Chinese text recognition (HCTR). In the general Bayesian framework, the handwritten Chinese text line is sequentially modeled by HMMs with each representing one character class, while the NN-based classifier is adopted to calculate the posterior probability of all HMM states. The key issues in feature extraction, character modeling, and language modeling are comprehensively investigated to show the effectiveness of NN-HMM framework for offline HCTR. First, a conventional deep neural network (DNN) architecture is studied with a well-designed feature extractor. As for the training procedure, the label refinement using forced alignment and the sequence training can yield significant gains on top of the frame-level cross-entropy criterion. Second, a deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) with automatically learned discriminative features demonstrates its superiority to DNN in the HMM framework. Moreover, to solve the challenging problem of distinguishing quite confusing classes due to the large vocabulary of Chinese characters, NN-based classifier should output 19900 HMM states as the classification units via a high-resolution modeling within each character. On the ICDAR 2013 competition task of CASIA-HWDB database, DNN-HMM yields a promising character error rate (CER) of 5.24% by making a good trade-off between the computational complexity and recognition accuracy. To the best of our knowledge, DCNN-HMM can achieve a best published CER of 3.53%.

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This work was supported in part by the National Key R&D Program of China under Contract No. 2017YFB1002202, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 61671422 and U1613211, the Key Science and Technology Project of Anhui Province under Grant No. 17030901005, and MOE-Microsoft Key Laboratory of USTC.
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Wang, ZR., Du, J., Wang, WC. et al. A comprehensive study of hybrid neural network hidden Markov model for offline handwritten Chinese text recognition. IJDAR 21, 241–251 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10032-018-0307-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10032-018-0307-0