This paper investigated human self-motion perception through the visual and vestibular sensory systems under the context of virtual reality (VR) and 4D. Consistently with general 4D riding applications, we designed and used sinusoidal motions as stimuli, which resembled simple roller coaster rides moving in three directions of pitch, surge, and heave. Based on the Bayesian integration model, we experimented to determine the uncertainty involved in the two sensory systems and their relative contributions. We factored in small sensory discrepancies between the visual and vestibular cues and visually noticeable obstacles that could distract viewers. We found that the vestibular system contributed more dominantly to the perception in the ratio of 7:3 than the vision, demonstrating vestibular capture. We also discovered that the visual scenes that contain eye-catching elements and pure optical flows can hamper self-motion perception while increasing the perceptual uncertainty. Our findings can serve as a basis for designing motion effects for VR and 4D applications, especially in situations where multiple sensory systems are stimulated simultaneously.

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This study was funded by Samsung Research Funding and Incubation Center of Samsung Electronics under a grant (SRFC-IT1802-05).
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Lee, J., Han, S.H. & Choi, S. Sensory cue integration of visual and vestibular stimuli: a case study for 4D rides. Virtual Reality 27, 1671–1683 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10055-023-00762-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10055-023-00762-7