Redirected walking was developed for users to experience a relatively large virtual space while walking in a relatively small real space. Then, follow-up studies were conducted to find the detection threshold (DT) in order to prevent the user from recognizing the redirection. Thanks to these studies, by limiting the redirection magnitude to be smaller than the DT, it was possible to prevent user from perceiving the redirection. However, there have been reports in some papers that the users perceived redirections smaller than the DT. Rapid changes between two different curvature gains within the detection thresholds might be detectable because the research that produced the detection thresholds did not examine when changes to the curvature gains might be noticed. While there are such reports, an in-depth study on the difference threshold of curvature gain has not yet been conducted. Therefore, in this paper, two psychophysical studies were conducted to find the difference threshold of curvature gain. We found the difference threshold of curvature gain obtained by combining the results of the two experiments. The result is applicable for reference curvature gains between 1.5 and \(3.5\,^{\circ }/\hbox {m}\).

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Lee, CG., Kwon, O. Identification of the difference threshold for curvature gain of redirected walking. Virtual Reality 27, 1635–1645 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10055-023-00763-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10055-023-00763-6