We consider the problem of computing a large stable matching in a bipartite graph \(G = (A\cup B, E)\) where each vertex \(u \in A\cup B\) ranks its neighbors in an order of preference, perhaps involving ties. Let the matched partner of u in a matching M be M(u). A matching M is said to be stable if there is no edge (a, b) such that a is unmatched or prefers b to M(a) and similarly, b is unmatched or prefers a to M(b). While a stable matching in G can be easily computed in linear time by the Gale–Shapley algorithm, it is known that computing a maximum size stable matching is APX-hard. In this paper we first consider the case when the preference lists of vertices in A are strict while the preference lists of vertices in B may include ties. This case is also APX-hard and the current best approximation ratio known here is 25/17 \(\approx 1.4706\) which relies on solving an LP. We improve this ratio to 22/15 \(\approx 1.4667\) by a simple linear time algorithm. Here we first compute a half-integral stable matching in \(\{0,0.5,1\}^{|E|}\) and then round it to an integral stable matching M. The ratio \(|\mathsf {OPT}|/{|M|}\) is bounded via a payment scheme that charges other components in \(\mathsf {OPT}\oplus M\) to cover the costs of length-5 augmenting paths. There will be no length-3 augmenting paths here. We next consider the following special case of two-sided ties, where every tie length is 2. This case is known to be UGC-hard to approximate to within 4/3. We show a 10/7 \(\approx 1.4286\) approximation algorithm here that runs in linear time.

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x is a fractional matching if the following conditions hold: (1) for each vertex \(v \in A \cup B\), \(\sum _{e \in \delta (v)} x_e \le 1\), where \(\delta (v)\) is the set of edges incident on v, and (2) for each edge \(e \in E\), \(0 \le x_e \le 1\).
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A preliminary version of this work appears in the 17th Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO 2014). Part of this work was done when the second author visited the Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken under the IMPECS program.
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Huang, CC., Kavitha, T. Improved approximation algorithms for two variants of the stable marriage problem with ties. Math. Program. 154, 353–380 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10107-015-0923-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10107-015-0923-0