We present a branch-and-cut algorithm to solve capacitated network design problems. Given a capacitated network and point-to-point traffic demands, the objective is to install more capacity on the edges of the network and route traffic simultaneously, so that the overall cost is minimized. We study a mixed-integer programming formulation of the problem and identify some new facet defining inequalities. These inequalities, together with other known combinatorial and mixed-integer rounding inequalities, are used as cutting planes. To choose the branching variable, we use a new rule called “knapsack branching”. We also report on our computational experience using real-life data.
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Received April 29, 1997 / Revised version received January 9, 1999¶ Published online June 28, 1999
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Günlük, O. A branch-and-cut algorithm for capacitated network design problems. Math. Program. 86, 17–39 (1999). https://doi.org/10.1007/s101070050077
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s101070050077