To determine whether the inclusion of spatial neighbourhood comparison factors in Preference Modelling allows spatial decision support systems (SDSSs) to better address spatial equity, we introduce Spatial Preference Modelling (SPM). To evaluate the effectiveness of this model in addressing equity, various standardisation functions in both Non-Spatial Preference Modelling and SPM are compared. The evaluation involves applying the model to a resource location-allocation problem for transport infrastructure in the Special Province of Yogyakarta in Indonesia. We apply Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach to define opportunity to mobility as a non-income indicator. Using the extended Moran’s I interpretation for spatial equity, we evaluate the distribution output regarding, first, ‘the spatial distribution patterns of priority targeting for allocation’ (SPT) and, second, ‘the effect of new distribution patterns after location-allocation’ (ELA). The Moran’s I index of the initial map and its comparison with six patterns for SPT as well as ELA consistently indicates that the SPM is more effective for addressing spatial equity. We conclude that the inclusion of spatial neighbourhood comparison factors in Preference Modelling improves the capability of SDSS to address spatial equity. This study thus proposes a new formal method for SDSS with specific attention on resource location-allocation to address spatial equity.
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This publication is part of the research activities funded through the Indonesia Facility (INDF) of the Netherlands EVD agency to establish a new Master of Science Program on Management of Infrastructure and Community Development—MICD (http://pipm.pasca.ugm.ac.id). The project is a joint research activity between ITC the Netherlands, PUSTRAL UGM (The Centre for Transport and Logistics Studies—Gadjah Mada University) Indonesia, and Keypoint Consultancy BV the Netherlands.
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Wismadi, A., Zuidgeest, M., Brussel, M. et al. Spatial Preference Modelling for equitable infrastructure provision: an application of Sen’s Capability Approach. J Geogr Syst 16, 19–48 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10109-013-0185-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10109-013-0185-4
- Capability Approach
- Spatial and social equity
- Location-allocation
- Spatial Preference Modelling
- Spatial decision support system