Any behaviour that deviates from the social norms of a wider society and is viewed negatively by society as a whole is considered to be a behavioural problem. In office environments, there is a significant prevalence of behaviour problems, and they have a long-lasting impact on work productivity. Intervention provision is a current component of behavioural problem-solving strategies from which people may benefit through smart environments. While many interventions are presently employed in both smart and non-smart environments, it is unknown how well they work in relation to user preferences. Additionally, change levels are not the foundation of the present intervention methods. The study looked into how providing interventions can help smart environment users to promote good behaviour. The study used the Design Science Research (DSR) Methodology's rigour cycle to deploy the Generic User Model and the Positive Behaviour Change (PBC) model. The PBC Model was examined through an artificial-summative evaluation. The results of the artificial-summative evaluation showed that change-based interventions can be effective for reducing inappropriate behaviour and increasing positive behaviour, and that input from user models can give intervention users personalised effects. The implication of the results from this study is that intervention providers do not only need to focus on modifying negative behaviours, but also strengthening and sustaining good behaviours to motivate continuous future occurrence.

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All thanks to my co-authors and the funding body for their immense support for this project.
This study was funded by Telkom/Centre of Excellence, of the Nelson Mandela University, South Africa.
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Conceptualization, Oluwande Adewoyin; methodology, Oluwande Adewoyin.; software, Olu-wande Adewoyin.; validation, Janet Wesson.; formal analysis, Oluwande Adewoyin.; investiga-tion, Oluwande Adewoyin.; resources, Janet Wesson; data curation, Oluwande Adewoyin; writ-ing—Oluwande Adewoyin; writing—review and editing, Janet Wesson and Dieter Vogts.; visu-alization, Janet Wesson supervision and Dieter Vogts, Janet Wesson; project administration, Janet Wesson; funding acquisition, Janet Wesson.
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Adewoyin, O., Wesson, J. & Vogts, D. The PBC model: promoting positive behaviours through change-based interventions. Cogn Tech Work 26, 673–708 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10111-024-00776-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10111-024-00776-4