Intelligent interactive environments are systems whose main features are related to intelligence, interactivity and location. Intelligent interactive environments are implemented in a variety of platforms, such as distributed sensors, actuators and processors for ambient intelligence; distributed and mobile reasoning entities in virtual worlds and augmented reality; and distributed, multiuser information systems such as social networks and service-oriented systems directed to the dissemination of public services and retailing. In the present article, we introduce JamSession, a tool to specify and execute workflow choreographies, as well as to monitor and control heterogeneous resources, which can be specially useful for the specification and implementation of the coordination of real-time, multimodal and multimedia activities. JamSession is used to specify and execute knowledge-based interaction protocols, which are formally grounded and can be formally analysed and verified using a straightforward and user-friendly graphical language. A knowledge-based interaction protocol determines how disparate resources can work cooperatively to build complex behaviour in intelligent interactive environments.
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Correa da Silva, F.S. Knowledge-based interaction protocols for intelligent interactive environments. Knowl Inf Syst 34, 219–242 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-011-0464-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-011-0464-7