Rich side information concerning users and items are valuable for collaborative filtering (CF) algorithms for recommendation. For example, rating score is often associated with a piece of review text, which is capable of providing valuable information to reveal the reasons why a user gives a certain rating. Moreover, the underlying community and group relationship buried in users and items are potentially useful for CF. In this paper, we develop a new model to tackle the CF problem which predicts user’s ratings on previously unrated items by effectively exploiting interactions among review texts as well as the hidden user community and item group information. We call this model CMR (co-clustering collaborative filtering model with review text). Specifically, we employ the co-clustering technique to model the user community and item group, and each community–group pair corresponds to a co-cluster, which is characterized by a rating distribution in exponential family and a topic distribution. We have conducted extensive experiments on 22 real-world datasets, and our proposed model CMR outperforms the state-of-the-art latent factor models. Furthermore, both the user’s preference and item profile are drifting over time. Dynamic modeling the temporal changes in user’s preference and item profiles are desirable for improving a recommendation system. We extend CMR and propose an enhanced model called TCMR to consider time information and exploit the temporal interactions among review texts and co-clusters of user communities and item groups. In this TCMR model, each community–group co-cluster is characterized by an additional beta distribution for time modeling. To evaluate our TCMR model, we have conducted another set of experiments on 22 larger datasets with wider time span. Our proposed model TCMR performs better than CMR and the standard time-aware recommendation model on the rating score prediction tasks. We also investigate the temporal effect on the user–item co-clusters.

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The work described in this paper is substantially supported by grants from the Research Grant Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project Code: 14203414) and the Direct Grant of the Faculty of Engineering, CUHK (Project Code: 4055034). This work is also affiliated with the CUHK MoE-Microsoft Key Laboratory of Human-centric Computing and Interface Technologies.
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Xu, Y., Yu, Q., Lam, W. et al. Exploiting interactions of review text, hidden user communities and item groups, and time for collaborative filtering. Knowl Inf Syst 52, 221–254 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-016-1005-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-016-1005-1