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Learning extremely shared middle-level image representation for scene classification

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Learning middle-level image representations is very important for the computer vision community, especially for scene classification tasks. Middle-level image representations currently available are not sparse enough to make training and testing times compatible with the increasing number of classes that users want to recognize. In this work, we propose a middle-level image representation based on the pattern that extremely shared among different classes to reduce both training and test time. The proposed learning algorithm first finds some class-specified patterns and then utilizes the lasso regularization to select the most discriminative patterns shared among different classes. The experimental results on some widely used scene classification benchmarks (15 Scenes, MIT-indoor 67, SUN 397) show that the fewest patterns are necessary to achieve very remarkable performance with reduced computation time.

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  1. The “words”, “parts” and “patterns” are interchangeable and this paper chooses “patterns” to represent them.

  2. 15 Scenes: MIT-indoor 67: SUN 397:

  3. The implementation code and trained models are available at


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We thank anonymous reviewers for their very useful comments and suggestions. This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61572207 and Grant 61503145, and the CAST Young Talent Supporting Program.

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Tang, P., Zhang, J., Wang, X. et al. Learning extremely shared middle-level image representation for scene classification. Knowl Inf Syst 52, 509–530 (2017).

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