Digital information plays an essential role in supporting organizational business. However, incidents of sensitive information leakage often happen in organization environment. Therefore, risk analysis needs to be performed to recognize the impact of information security threat in organization. In order to carry out those risk analyses, risk model is needed to map risk of information security threat. The selection of proper risk model provides proper result related to risk analysis. The proper risk model must have objectivity and appropriate context. However, most of the existing risk models focus on the technical approach and use expert judgment as a weighting method. Meanwhile, organizations use business perspectives to determine decisions. Therefore, this study has the objective to fill the needs of organizations by developing a new risk model. The proposed risk model focuses on business aspects involvement and reducing subjective methods. The proposed risk model also uses three processes to result output, i.e., adaptable classification data, data measurement and cross-label analysis. Test mining and categorical clustering are involved to handle those three processes. Testing of the proposed model is carried out to define ability and limitation of model by involving 30 targets. The result states that the proposed model has advantages in objectivity, context approach and detailed output, while the limited scope of work becomes weakness of these models.

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Ibnugraha, P.D., Nugroho, L.E. & Santosa, P.I. Risk model development for information security in organization environment based on business perspectives. Int. J. Inf. Secur. 20, 113–126 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10207-020-00495-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10207-020-00495-7