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Construction of post quantum secure authenticated key agreement protocol for dew-assisted IoT systems

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The persons supporting the cloud computing model also support that the Edge, Fog and Dew models, which give users a nicer experience. The dew server is a cloud server on the local PC. In this continuation, Dew for IoT systems (may name as “IoT-enabled Dew”) is another new computing model. As communication in these systems occurs over an open channel, many security concerns come into the picture, and the same applies to IoT in Dew. Thus, it is necessary to focus on authorization in data access, secure session establishment, and user privacy to have confidence in the system and data secrecy. As cloud servers do not completely control data, security and authorized access remain key concerns in Dew. There is a need for a secure interaction between a sensor device and a user. This can be fulfilled after creating a session key between these two entities. The existing schemes based on factorization and discrete logs present in various literature support the creation of the session key in the dew-assisted system and are secure in the pre-quantum era, which may not be suitable for the post-quantum era. This paper proposes a quantum secure and efficient authenticated key agreement scheme. We present the formal security of the proposed scheme, which shows that once the credential database is threatened, the opponent cannot obtain any private information about the user even if the number of trials using the random oracle model (ROM) by the probabilistic polynomial time (PPT) opponent exceeds a threshold number. We also include a comprehensive performance evaluation and comparative study.

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Author Names: DM, KP, MS, and AM. Contribution: The authors confirm their contribution to the paper as follows: Analysis of Existing protocol’s security and efficiency: KP. Designing the protocol: DM. Discussion on protocol security and Efficiency: MS Designing the proof and discussing the proof of security: AM. Analysis of performance and Comparative Study: DM. Wrote the main manuscript text: Komal Pursharthi and Ankita Mishra. Proofreading: DM and MS. All authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript.

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Mishra, D., Pursharthi, K., Singh, M. et al. Construction of post quantum secure authenticated key agreement protocol for dew-assisted IoT systems. Int. J. Inf. Secur. 24, 19 (2025).

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