Gaze-control enables people to control a computer by using eye-gaze to select items on screen. Gaze-control is a necessity for people who have lost all motor control of their body and only have control over eye movements. In addition, gaze-control can be the quickest and least tiring option for a far broader group of people with varying disabilities. This paper reports findings from gaze-control user trials involving users from both groups: people who are totally paralyzed, as well as people with a wide range of complex disabilities. The trials conducted involved four different centres supporting people with disabilities in three different European countries. Several gaze-control systems were trialled by a large number of users with varying needs and abilities. The perceived benefits of gaze-control are described, and recommendations for successful assessment and implementation of gaze-control are provided.
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Special thanks go to the staff at Torino ALS Centre: Paolo Ghiglione, Cristina Moglia, Anna Montuschi, Anna Terreni, Andrea Calvo. The work has been partially supported by the COGAIN Network of Excellence on Communication by Gaze Interaction (IST-2003-511598), www.cogain.org.
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Donegan, M., Morris, J.D., Corno, F. et al. Understanding users and their needs. Univ Access Inf Soc 8, 259–275 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10209-009-0148-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10209-009-0148-1