There continues to be a gap in understanding of what makes an individual engage in Facebook use. This is the primary research question of this study. Social network research is a good place to begin. Hence, this research aims to investigate factors influencing the behavioral intention to use Facebook. Cross-sectional data were collected from 200 respondents through a survey. Data were then analyzed by means of multiple regression analysis. The findings verified the research hypotheses and confirmed that perceived enjoyment, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness all impact attitude toward continuance intention of Facebook. This paper provides some insights into how practitioners could better develop Facebook site and enhances understanding of users’ perception toward Facebook. Facebook developer should evaluate ways to improve perceptions of their sites on these dimensions. Facebook group should add more game zones and interesting features to boost up the number of Facebook users so that Facebook can maintain or achieve a higher position in social networking sites compared to others. Implications for research and practice are discussed.

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Suki, N.M., Ramayah, T. & Ly, K.K. Empirical investigation on factors influencing the behavioral intention to use Facebook. Univ Access Inf Soc 11, 223–231 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10209-011-0248-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10209-011-0248-6