The use of user models can be very valuable when trying to develop accessible and ergonomic products and services taking into account users’ specific needs and preferences. Simulation of user–product interaction using user models may reveal accessibility issues at the early stages of design and development, and this results to a significant reduction in costs and development time. Moreover, user models can be used in adaptive interfaces enabling the personalised customisation of user interfaces that enhances the accessibility and usability of products and services. This paper presents the efforts of the Virtual User Modelling and Simulation Standardisation ‘VUMS’ cluster of projects towards the development of an interoperable user model, able to describe both able-bodied and people with various kinds of disabilities. The VUMS cluster is consisted by the VERITAS, MyUI, GUIDE, and VICON FP7 European projects, all involved in user modelling from different perspectives. The main goal of the VUMS cluster was the development of a unified user model that could be used by all the participant projects and that could be the basis of a new user model standard. Currently, within the VUMS cluster, a common user model has been defined and converters that enable the transformation from each project’s specific user model to the VUMS user model and vice versa have been developed enabling, thus, the exchange of user models between the projects.

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The complete UML class diagram of the VUMS Exchange Format can be found at
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Appendix 1: VUMS user profile example
A sample user profile in VUMS Exchange Format
Appendix 2: VUMS Exchange Format—UML class diagrams
See Figs. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.
Appendix 3: Common informed consent
Title of the project:
Local Principal Researcher:
Financed by:
Project duration:
3.1 Participant’s name
The study described in this document is a part of the project called ‘Title of the project’, financed by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme (Consortium Agreement: Number of Consortium Agreement).
This consent sheet may contain words you do not understand. Please ask either the contact researcher or any professional in the study to explain any word or give any further information. You may take a copy of this consent to think about it or talk to your family before taking a decision. At all times, we try to assure the compliance of the current legislation.
3.2 Introduction
You have been invited to participate in a research study. Before deciding whether you want to participate, we would kindly request that you read this consent carefully. Please ask any questions that may come to your mind in order to make sure you understand all the procedures of the study, including the risks and benefits.
3.3 Purpose of the study
The main aim of the project was… (described here the aim of the project). In the document entitled: ‘Information Page’, you will find more information about the purpose of the study
3.4 Type of research intervention
This research will consist of focus groups, completion of questionnaires, etc. Your participation would consist of……
3.5 Participant selection
Explain why a person was selected to participate in the research.
3.6 Participants in the study and possible participation in it
We kindly request your voluntary participation in this research study. This informed consent includes information about the study. We would like to assure that you are perfectly informed about the purpose of our study and what your participation in it implies.
Please ask us to clarify any section in this information document that may be necessary. Please do not sign if you are not sure that you have understood all the aspects of the study and its objectives.
In this part of the study, we would like to know (complete with the concrete aim of the study for which the participation of the participant is required).
3.7 Voluntary participation
Your participation in this research is entirely voluntary. It is your choice whether to participate or not. You can give up at any moment without being penalised or losing benefits.
3.8 The participants will be elderly people older than 60 years
The travel costs from your home to the laboratory will be covered by us.
3.9 Duration
The research takes place over ___ (number of) days/or ___ (number of) months in total. During that time, we will contact you ____ times for ____ you at ____ interval and each interview will last for about ____ hour each.
3.10 Risks or inconveniences
No risk or damage is foreseen during the test application.
3.11 Benefits
It is probable that you will not receive any personal benefit for your participation in this study. In any case, the data collected in this study might result in a better knowledge and later intervention for elderly people.
3.12 Reimbursements
E.g.: You will not be provided any incentive to take part in the research. However, we will give you [provide a figure, if money is involved] for your time, and travel expense (if applicable).
3.13 Privacy and confidentiality
We will record your answers to our notes that will not hold any identification of yourself nor will it be possible to identify yourself later on. In other words, when someone agree to participate in the research, they receive a code number, and from that moment, every personal data are under that code, because of that, no one could know to whom the data belong to. The information will be processed during the analysis of the data obtained and will appear in the project deliverables but again—only in the way that it will not be possible to identify from whom we received the information assuring in every moment the performance of (include the national laws that will be guaranteed).
The results of this research can be published in scientific magazines or be presented in gerontological sessions, always guaranteeing the complete anonymity.
The authorisation for the use and access of the information for the aim of research is totally voluntary. This authorisation will be applied to the end of the study unless you cancel it before. In this case, we will stop using of your data. All the data will be destroyed 5 years after the end of the project.
If you decide to withdraw your consent later on, we will ask you to contact the principal researcher of this study and let him know that you are withdrawing from the study.
3.14 Sharing results
Nothing that you tell us today will be shared with anybody outside the research team, and nothing will be attributed to you by name. The knowledge that we get from this research will be shared with you and your community before it is made widely available to the public. Each participant will receive a summary of the results. There will also be small meetings in the community and these will be announced. Following the meetings, we will publish the results so that other interested people may learn from the research.
3.15 Right to refuse or withdraw
You do not have to take part in this research if you do not wish to do so, and choosing to participate will not affect your rights in any way. You may stop participating in the study at any time that you wish. We will give you an opportunity at the end of the study to review your remarks and you can ask to modify or remove portions of those, if you do not agree with our notes or if we did not understand you correctly.
From the moment of your withdrawal, your data will not be newly processed in any further phases of the research project. However, it will not be possible to alter already existing published documents or completed project deliverables.
3.16 Who to Contact
The principal researcher can be contacted under the following address:
Name of the Contact Person |
Organisation name |
Street |
City |
Telephone |
For further information about your rights as a research participant, or if you are not satisfied with the manner in which this study is being conducted or if you have any questions or sustain any injury during the course of the research or experience any adverse reaction to a study procedure, please contact the principal researcher.
3.17 Consent certificate
Your participation in the study is possible only if you sign a stand-alone consent form that would authorise us to use your personal information and the information about your health status. If you do not wish to do so, please do not take part in this study.
I confirm that I have read and understand the information sheet dated……………………. for the above study.
I have had the opportunity to consider the information, ask questions, and have had these answered satisfactorily. YES/NO
I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time, without giving any reason, without my medical care or legal rights being affected. YES/NO
I understand that relevant sections of any of my data collected during the study, may be looked at by responsible individuals from [company/organisation name], where it is relevant to my taking part in this research. I give permission for these individuals to have access to my anonymised records. YES/NO
I consent voluntarily to be a participant in this study. YES/NO
Name of participant | Date | Signature | ||
Name of Person taking consent (if different from researcher) | Date | Signature | ||
Researcher | Date | Signature |
When completed, 1 copy will be for the participant and 1 copy for the researcher site file.
If illiterate.Footnote 5
I have witnessed the accurate reading of the consent form to the potential participant, and the individual has had the opportunity to ask questions. I confirm that the individual has given consent freely.
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Kaklanis, N., Biswas, P., Mohamad, Y. et al. Towards standardisation of user models for simulation and adaptation purposes. Univ Access Inf Soc 15, 21–48 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10209-014-0371-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10209-014-0371-2