The second-level digital divide presents differences in people’s capabilities of using information and communication technologies, especially in older adults. This paper focuses on exploring self-efficacy and anxiety in this group concerning the use of a specific e-service, Internet banking service. Considering the triadic relation proposed in social cognitive theory, we include in the model of IBS use by older adults personal characteristics, such as self-efficacy, anxiety, perceived usefulness and gender with respect to the e-service chosen. We analyse the effect of perceived risks and social influence on these self-perceptions as environmental factors. This study is centred on a survey of 474 older adults and tests the structural model proposed using PLS-SEM. The results show that there are important differences between self-efficacy and anxiety when we refer to technology in general compared with a specific e-service. Furthermore, self-efficacy positively influences the perceived usefulness and the use of IBS. We note an important role of the environment as a booster to overcome the barriers which may appear due to these self-perceptions. Finally, we find influences of older adults’ gender in the relationship put forward in the causal model.

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Peral-Peral, B., Villarejo-Ramos, Á.F. & Arenas-Gaitán, J. Self-efficacy and anxiety as determinants of older adults’ use of Internet Banking Services. Univ Access Inf Soc 19, 825–840 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10209-019-00691-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10209-019-00691-w