Loyalty is a crucial part of today’s business because retaining a customer is generally less expensive than attracting a new one. This relationship also holds true in e-commerce. Most of the e-loyalty programs available on the Internet utilize cash-back rewards. A new type of e-loyalty program in which customers are offered a fraction of merchant firm’s equity is emerging recently. The profitability of this approach versus cash-back reward programs is still an open question. In this paper, we first survey current e-loyalty programs, and then develop a two-period duopoly model in which one of the firms gives customers a small fraction of its equity and the other offers cash-back reward for a purchase. We derive analytical conditions to compare the total profits generated through each loyalty program. In particular, we find that equity-based e-loyalty programs provide higher total profits than those of cash-back programs in markets where it is difficult for customers to switch between firms.

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- A :
the firm offering customers a fraction of its unit share for each purchase
- B :
the firm offering customers cash-back reward for each purchase
- α, (1 − α):
market shares of firm A and B at the end of the first period, respectively
- c :
constant marginal cost of the product sold by the firms
- θ:
switching cost parameter of customers
- s :
switching cost of customers distributed uniformly on the interval [0,θ]
- R :
constant reservation price of customers
- Z :
processing fee charged by the online intermediary
- p A1, p A2 :
price of firm A’s product in the first and second period, respectively
- ɛ A1, ɛ A2 :
fraction of firm A’s unit share offered in the first and second period, respectively
- d A1 :
firm A’s outstanding number of stocks in the first period
- S A1, S A2 :
firm A’s unit stock price in the first and second period, respectively
- p B1, p B2 :
price of firm B’s product in the first and second period, respectively
- m B1, m B2 :
amount of cash-back reward given by B in the first and second period, respectively
- Q AA , Q BB :
number of firm A’s and B’s loyal customers in the second period, respectively
- Q AB , Q BA :
number of customers switching from B to A, and A to B in the second period, respectively
- Π * A2 , Π * B2 :
optimum profits of firm A and B in the second period, respectively
- Π * A , Π * B :
optimum total profits of firm A and B, respectively
- Π *Δ :
difference between the optimum total profits of firm A and B, Π * A − Π * B
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We are grateful for the valuable comments and suggestions by the participants of the AMCIS 2004 Doctoral Consortium, New York City; the Big Ten IS Research Consortium 2004 at the Michigan State University; EURO/INFORMS 2003, Istanbul, Turkey; WISE 2002, Barcelona, Spain; and ICTEC 2002, Montreal, Canada. We are also indebted to the faculty at the Krannert Graduate School of Management for their indispensable inputs.
Appendix (Proofs of Lemmas and Propositions)
Appendix (Proofs of Lemmas and Propositions)
Proof of Lemma 1: Firm A issues ɛ A2 (Q AA + Q AB ) number of new stocks in the second period in addition to its d A1 number of stocks in the first period. The dilution effect states that firm A’s total market value in the first period, d A1 S A1, should be equal to its total market value in the second period, [d A1 + ɛ A2 (Q AA + Q AB )]S A2. Thus,
In addition to the dilution effect, firm A’s second-period stock price is affected by the changes in its market share between the two periods. Denoting the ratio of change in market share by γ, we obtain:
Hence, the updated value of S A2 above is calculated as:
Proof of Lemma 2: Using the information presented in Fig. 2, we calculate the total numbers of firm A’s loyal and switching customers in the second period, Q AA and Q BA , as follows:
Similarly, we calculate the total numbers of firm B’s loyal and switching customers in the second period, Q BB and Q AB , as follows:
Proof of Lemma 3: We first insert the values of S A2, Q AA , Q BA , Q BB , and Q AB from the Eqs. (1), (4), (5), (6), and (7) into the following maximization problems:
We then solve the following equations together to find the optimum values of ɛ A2 and m B2.
Simultaneous solution of the two equations above gives us m * B2 as follows:
The solution for ɛ* A2 requires further work since it appears as a function of Q AA and Q AB :
To solve for ɛ* A2 independent from Q AA and Q AB , we first find the optimum values of Q AA and Q AB by inserting Eqs. (1), (A.1) and (A.2) into the following equations:
After simplifications of algebra, we obtain:
Inserting these values back into Eq. (A.2) gives us the value of ɛ* A2:
Finally, by inserting Eqs. (A.3) and (A.4) into (1), we can find S * A2 as follows:
The values of Q * BA and Q * BB can be found similarly by inserting Eqs. (A.1), (A.4), and (A.5) into the following equations:
which leads to:
Proof of Lemma 4: We can find the second-period optimum profit of firm A, Π* A2, by inserting Eqs. (A.3), (A.4), and (A.5) into:
After simplifications, firm A’s optimum profit in the second period reduces to the following form:
Similarly, firm B’s second-period optimum profit is found by inserting (A.1) and (A.6) into:
which results the required equation for Π* B2 :
Proof of Lemma 5: To find ɛ* A1 and m * B1, we solve the following first-order conditions simultaneously by using Eqs. (20) and (21). Further simplifications lead to the expressions in (22) and (23).
Proof of Proposition 1: The optimum total firm profits, Π* A and Π* B , are calculated by inserting Eqs. (22) and (23) into (20) and (21). Simplification of the resulting algebra leads to (24) and (25).
Proof of Proposition 2: Subtracting Eq. (25) from (24) gives us the difference between the optimum total firm profits, Π* Δ. Further simplification of the resulting algebra leads to the inequality in (26).
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Altinkemer, K., Ozcelik, Y. Cash-back rewards versus equity-based electronic loyalty programs in e-commerce. Inf Syst E-Bus Manage 7, 39–55 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10257-007-0062-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10257-007-0062-0