Visualizing and simulating formal models in a flexible way becomes increasingly important for the design of complex systems. With GenGED, a tool is available which automatically generates a visual environment to process (create, edit, check, simulate) visual models over a specified visual language. Both the specification of the language and the model manipulation are based on graph grammars. In this paper, we present the means to transform visual models into application oriented views, called scenario views. We show how a model is consistently transferred to a scenario views and animated there. The extension of GenGED concerning scenario animation is discussed.
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Ermel, C., Bardohl , R. Scenario animation for visual behavior models: A generic approach. Softw Syst Model 3, 164–177 (2004). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10270-003-0048-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10270-003-0048-4