Combat system effectiveness simulation (CoSES) plays an irreplaceable role in the effectiveness measurement of combat systems. According to decades of research and practice, composable modeling and multi-domain modeling are recognized as two major modeling requirements in CoSES. Current effectiveness simulation researches attempt to cope with the structural and behavioral complexity of CoSES based on a unified technological space, and they are limited to their existing modeling paradigms and fail to meet these two requirements. In this work, we propose a model framework-based domain-specific composable modeling method to solve this problem. This method builds a common model framework using application invariant knowledge for CoSES, and designs domain-specific modeling infrastructures for subdomains as corresponding extension points of the framework to support the modeling of application variant knowledge. Therefore, this method supports domain-specific modeling in multiple subdomains and the composition of subsystem models across different subdomains based on the model framework. The case study shows that this method raises the modeling abstraction level, supports generative modeling, and promotes model reuse and composability.

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We specially thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable suggestions and advices which greatly improve the quality of this paper. We thank our colleagues, Professor Qun Li and Dr. Chao Wang, for their contributions on SMP2 simulation system implementation. We are grateful to the suggestions and insights provided by Professor Hans Vangheluwe from University of Antwerp and Professor Pieter Mosterman from McGill University. The work presented in this paper is partly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 61273198 and 71401167).
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Li, Xb., Yang, F., Lei, Yl. et al. A model framework-based domain-specific composable modeling method for combat system effectiveness simulation. Softw Syst Model 16, 1201–1222 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10270-015-0513-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10270-015-0513-x