Queueing networks with negative customers (G-networks), Poisson flow of positive customers, multi-server exponential nodes, and dependent service at the different nodes are studied. Every customer arriving at the network is defined by a set of random parameters: customer route, the length of customer route, customer volume and his service time at each route stage as well. A killed positive customer is removed at the last place in the queue and quits the network just after his remaining service time will be elaborated. For such G-networks, the multidimensional stationary distribution of the network state probabilities is shown to be representable in product form.
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Bocharov, P., D’Apice, C. & Pechinkin, A. Product form solution for exponential G-networks with dependent service and completion of service of killed customers. CMS 3, 177–192 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10287-006-0013-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10287-006-0013-0