Portfolio optimization is an important aspect of decision-support in investment management. Realistic portfolio optimization, in contrast to simplistic mean-variance optimization, is a challenging problem, because it requires to determine a set of optimal solutions with respect to multiple objectives, where the objective functions are often multimodal and non-smooth. Moreover, the objectives are subject to various constraints of which many are typically non-linear and discontinuous. Conventional optimization methods, such as quadratic programming, cannot cope with these realistic problem properties. A valuable alternative are stochastic search heuristics, such as simulated annealing or evolutionary algorithms. We propose a new multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for portfolio optimization, which we call DEMPO—Differential Evolution for Multiobjective Portfolio Optimization. In our experimentation, we compare DEMPO with quadratic programming and another well-known evolutionary algorithm for multiobjective optimization called NSGA-II. The main advantage of DEMPO is its ability to tackle a portfolio optimization task without simplifications, while obtaining very satisfying results in reasonable runtime.
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Krink, T., Paterlini, S. Multiobjective optimization using differential evolution for real-world portfolio optimization. Comput Manag Sci 8, 157–179 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10287-009-0107-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10287-009-0107-6