The aim of the present study was to compare the activation levels of true and false memories in the Deese–Roediger–McDermott (DRM) paradigm. For this purpose, we used a lexical decision task (LDT) that can be considered a relative pure measure of activation. Participants had to study a list of words that were semantically associated to a critical non-presented word (CI), and afterwards had to classify the actually studied words, the CI and new words in the LDT. Results indicated that the classification latency of the CI was the same as actually studied words and shorter than new words. The results might be interpreted as evidence that the false and true memory items have the same activation level and that the false memory effect can be based on the indirect activation of the CI at the encoding.
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Item | List sweet | |
Italian | English | |
I | Miele | Honey |
II | Caramella | Candy |
III | Zucchero | Shugar |
IV | Pasticcino | Pastry |
V | Aspro | Sour |
VI | Soave | Suave |
VII | Tenero | Tender |
VIII | Torta | Cake |
IX | Amaro | Bitter |
X | Cioccolata | Chocolate |
XI | Crostata | Pie |
XII | Gusto | Taste |
XIII | Frappè | Milkshake |
XIV | Buono | Good |
XV | Piacevole | Pleasant |
Critical item | Dolce | Sweet |
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Senese, V.P., Sergi, I. & Iachini, T. Comparison of activation level between true and false items in the DRM paradigm. Cogn Process 11, 213–217 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10339-009-0271-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10339-009-0271-1