This study investigated the phonological processes with bilingual readers of Korean and Chinese. Three types of same–different matching between the prime and target were compared. The critical point was on whether the phonological information of English was activated automatically in a semantic judgment task involving only Korean and Chinese. The results showed that the latency of the conditions (S+P−, S−P− and S−P+) was significantly different; latencies in the S−P+ condition where there is no semantic but with phonological relations were slower than in the S−P− condition where there are neither semantic nor phonological relations. The implication for phonological recoding was discussed.
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I wish to thank Professor Yang Lee for giving me the opportunity to work in the laboratories with this project and JunHee Lee (이준희) for his help in doing the data analysis. Thank anonymous reviewers for their comments on earlier drafts.
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The experiment was conducted in Psychophysics Laboratory of Department of Psychology, Gyeongsang National University, Republic of Korea.
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Jin, Z. Nonselective access of English phonology in bi-scriptal Chinese–Korean visual word recognition. Cogn Process 14, 435–441 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10339-013-0562-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10339-013-0562-4