This paper makes an exhaustive survey of various applications of Quantum inspired computational intelligence (QCI) techniques proposed till date. Definition, categorization and motivation for QCI techniques are stated clearly. Major Drawbacks and challenges are discussed. The significance of this work is that it presents an overview on applications of QCI in solving various problems in engineering, which will be very much useful for researchers on Quantum computing in exploring this upcoming and young discipline.
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Adaptive neuron-fuzzy inference system
- AQM:
Adaptive quantum mutation
Adaptive support vector regression
- ACO:
Ant colony optimization
- AF:
Artificial fish
Artificial fish swarm algorithm
- AI:
Artificial intelligence
- BP:
Back propagation
Back-propagation NN
BPNN-weighted grey-C3LSP
- CS:
Clonal selection
Coarse-grained parallel QGA
- CI:
Computational intelligence
- CET:
Contemporary evolution target
- DE:
Differential evolution
Discrete binary version of PSO
- EDAs:
Estimation of distribution algorithms
- EA:
Evolutionary algorithms
- EC:
Evolutionary computation
- FQN:
Feedback QN
- FCM:
Fuzzy C-means
- FS:
Fuzzy system
- GA:
Genetic algorithm
- GD:
Gradient descent
- HNN:
Hamiltonian NN
- Hop.NN:
Hopfield NN
- ICA:
Immune clonal algorithm
- IS:
Immune systems
Improved mutative scale chaos QGA
- iPNN:
Integrative probabilistic evolving spiking NNs
- IS:
Intelligent systems
Kohonen’s self-organizing feature map
Logarithmic search with quantum existence testing
- MP:
Matching pursuit
- ME:
Multi-granularity evolution
- MLP:
Multilayer perceptron
- NN:
Neural network
Neuromorphic quantum-based adaptive support vector regression
Nonlinear generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity
Novel QGA
- PSO:
Particle swarm optimization
- pSNM:
Probabilistic spiking neuron model
- QoS:
Quality of service
- QAM:
Quantum associative memory
- Q bit:
Quantum bit
- QBP:
Quantum BP
Quantum clone EA
- Qu.Cl:
Quantum clustering
Quantum complex-valued BP neuron
- Qcomputer:
Quantum computer
- QC:
Quantum computing
- QEP:
Quantum evolutionary programming
Quantum finite state machines
- Qgate:
Quantum gate
Quantum inspired ACO
Quantum Inspired artificial fish swarm algorithm
- QCI:
Quantum inspired computational intelligence
- QEA:
Quantum inspired EA
- QGA:
Quantum inspired genetic algorithm
- QNN:
Quantum inspired neural network
Quantum inspired PSO
- QM:
Quantum mechanics
- QMin.:
Quantum minimization
- QN:
Quantum neuron
- QDE:
Quantum-inspired DE
- QEAs:
Quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithms
Quantum-inspired self-organizing map
- QiSNN:
Quantum-inspired spiking NN
Quantum-tuned BPNN
Radial basis function NN
Real-coded QGA
- RNN:
Recurrent NN
- SOM:
Self-organizing map
- SVMs:
Support vector machines
- SA:
Swarm algorithm
- vQEA:
Versatile QEA
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Manju, A., Nigam, M.J. Applications of quantum inspired computational intelligence: a survey. Artif Intell Rev 42, 79–156 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10462-012-9330-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10462-012-9330-6