Artificial intelligence (AI)-based rotor fault diagnosis (RFD) poses a variety of challenges to the prognostics and health management (PHM) of the Industry 4.0 revolution. Rotor faults have drawn more attention from the AI research community in terms of utilizing fault-specific characteristics in its feature engineering, compared to any other rotating machinery faults. While the rotor faults, specifically structural rotor faults (SRF), have proven to be the root cause of most of the rotating machinery issues, the research in this field largely revolves around bearing and gear faults. Within this scenario, this paper is the first of its kind to attempt to review and define the role of AI in RFD and provides an all-encompassing review of rotor faults for the researchers and academics. In addition, this study is unique in three ways: (i) it emphasizes the use of fault-specific characteristic features with AI, (ii) it is grounded in fault-wise analysis rather than component-wise analysis with appropriate fault categorization, and (iii) it portrays the current research and analysis in accordance with different phases of an AI-based RFD framework. Finally, the section on future research directions is aimed at bridging the gap between a laboratory-based solution and a real-world industrial solution for RFD.

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The authors would like to acknowledge IMAGENOUS Engineering Pvt. Ltd. Vadodara-390 016, Gujarat, India and Meggitt India Pvt. Ltd., North Bangalore-560 022, India for sharing valuable information about vibration data and demonstration on the experimental environment.
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Nath, A.G., Udmale, S.S. & Singh, S.K. Role of artificial intelligence in rotor fault diagnosis: a comprehensive review. Artif Intell Rev 54, 2609–2668 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10462-020-09910-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10462-020-09910-w