In the last few decades, information security has gained huge importance owing to the massive growth in digital communication; hence, driving steganography to the forefront for secure communication. Steganography is a practice of concealing information or message in covert communication which involves hiding the information in any multimedia file such as text, image, or video. Many contributions have been made in the domain of image steganography; however, due to the low embedding capacity and robustness of images; videos are gaining more attention of academic researchers. This paper aims to provide a qualitative as well as quantitative analysis of various video steganography techniques by highlighting their properties, challenges, pros, and cons. Moreover, different quality metrics for the evaluation of distinct steganography techniques have also been discussed. The paper also provides an overview of steganalysis attacks which are commonly employed to test the security of the steganography techniques. The experimental analysis of some of the prominent techniques using different quality metrics has also been done. This paper also presented a critical analysis driven from the literature and the experimental results. The primary objective of this paper is to help the beginners to understand the basic concepts of this research domain to initiate their research in this field. Further, the paper highlighted the real-life applications of video steganography and also suggested some future directions which require the attention of the research community.

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This research work is supported by Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (TEQIP III) of MHRD, Government of India assisted by World Bank under Grant Number P154523 and sanctioned to UIET, Panjab University, Chandigarh (India).
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Dalal, M., Juneja, M. A survey on information hiding using video steganography. Artif Intell Rev 54, 5831–5895 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10462-021-09968-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10462-021-09968-0