This paper shows how Benders decomposition can be used for estimating the parameters of a fatigue model. The objective function of such model depends on five parameters of different nature. This makes the parameter estimation problem of the fatigue model suitable for the Benders decomposition, which allows us to use well-behaved and robust parameter estimation methods for the different subproblems. To build the Benders cuts, explicit formulas for the sensitivities (partial derivatives) are obtained. This permits building the classical iterative method, in which upper and lower bounds of the optimal value of the objective function are obtained until convergence. Two alternative objective functions to be optimized are the likelihood and the sum of squares error functions, which relate to the maximum likelihood and the minimum error principles, respectively. The method is illustrated by its application to a real-world problem.
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- A :
- M :
- B :
Threshold value of log-lifetime
- B 0 :
Fixed value of the threshold value of log-lifetime
- C :
Endurance limit (logarithm of Δσ)
- C 0 :
Fixed value of the endurance limit (logarithm of Δσ)
- E(⋅):
Cumulative distribution function
- F(⋅):
Cumulative distribution function
- K :
- k :
Positive constant used to bound B and C
- ℓ(⋅):
Likelihood function
- \({\ell}^{(\nu)}_{\mathrm{up}}\) :
Upper bound for ℓ
- \({\ell}^{(\nu)}_{\mathrm{down}}\) :
Lower bound for ℓ
- m :
Number of pieces at a given level for Δσ
- N :
Lifetime or number of cycles
- N ∗ :
Dimensionless lifetime
- N i :
Lifetime of sample item i
- N 0 :
Threshold value for lifetime
- n :
Sample size
- P :
- p i :
Plotting point value (p i =i/(m+1))
- q(⋅):
Functional equation
- \({Q}^{(\nu)}_{\mathrm{up}}\) :
Upper bound for Q
- \({Q}^{(\nu)}_{\mathrm{down}}\) :
Lower bound for Q
- V i :
\(V_{i}=(\log N_{i}-B)(\log\Delta\sigma _{i}-C)=N^{*}_{i}\Delta \sigma^{*}_{i}\)
- z P :
Objective function value
- α :
Variable used in the Benders decomposition master problem
- β :
Weibull shape parameter of the cumulative distribution function in the S−N field
- Δσ :
Stress range or amplitude
- Δσ ∗ :
Dimensionless stress range or amplitude
- Δσ i :
Stress range of sample item i
- Δσ st :
Ultimate strength
- Δσ 0 :
Threshold value for stress range
- δ :
Weibull scale factor
- λ :
Parameter defining the position of the corresponding zero-percentile hyperbola
- μ :
- μ :
Vector of dual variables associated with inequality constraints
- ν :
Counter used for Benders’ cuts
- σ M :
Maximum stress
- σ m :
Minimum stress
- η :
Vector of dual variables associated with equality constraints
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Castillo, E., Mínguez, R., Conejo, A.J. et al. Estimating the parameters of a fatigue model using Benders’ decomposition. Ann Oper Res 210, 309–331 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-011-0891-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-011-0891-6