In this paper, we show how ordering time can be used as a mechanism to mitigate the supply risks of the unreliable newsboy. We consider the situation where a firm has an option of placing a series of sequential orders such that a new order is placed only after the yield from the previous order is known and derive an optimal order quantity for each ordering stage. The effectiveness of our approach is assessed by comparing its expected cost with the expected cost of the conventional reliable newsboy problem. It is demonstrated that the adverse effect of supply side risks can be almost completely negated by adopting our approach when the combined purchasing and holding costs for a low cost supplier at an earlier stage are equal to those of a high cost supplier at the next stage. Computational experiments suggest that the sequential ordering policy performs better than a simultaneous ordering strategy when customer service level norms become stringent and inventory holding costs decrease.
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Proof of Theorem 4
Assuming the opening inventory is zero and that the demand is uniformly distributed between 0 and \(a\).
Using Eqs. (3), (4) and (5), and also assuming opening inventory at stage 2 to be zero \(I_{2}\) = 0
Also for uniformly distributed demand, \(f(x)=\frac{1}{a}\hbox { and } F(x)=\frac{x}{a},\;K_1 =a\left[ {\frac{p-c_1 }{p+v}} \right] ,\quad \alpha =\frac{a}{2}\).
Substituting in the expected cost expression,
Expected cost for newsboy problem
Also optimal \(q_1 =K_1 \hbox { where }K_1 =F^{-1}\left[ {\left( {p-c_1 } \right) /\left( {p+v} \right) } \right] \).
As demand is uniformly distributed between 0 to \(a, \therefore \quad f(x)=\frac{1}{a} ,F(x)=\frac{x}{a}\).
Similarly it can be shown that for 3-stage sequential ordering:
And for n stages,
Proof of Lemma 1
For two simultaneous orders, the expected cost can be written as :
Algebraic processing of the above equation yields following expected cost expression
Equating the differentiations of the equation with respect to \(q_1\) and \(q_2\) to zero gives
Processing of the above equation gives
Substituting \(q_2^*\, in \,q_1^*\) gives
Let \(p_1 =\left( {p-c_1 } \right) \) and \(p_2 =\left( {p-c_2 } \right) \) and \(\frac{1}{X}=\frac{a}{\left( {p+v} \right) }\).
Initially substituting with these terms in the expected cost expression and algebraic processing yields the following optimal expected cost expression
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Tiwari, D., Patil, R. & Shah, J. Sequential unreliable newsboy ordering policies. Ann Oper Res 233, 449–463 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-014-1705-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-014-1705-4