A sustainability program is about implementing essential sustainability practices at various intensities that will not harm people because of firm actions. This paper formulates an optimization model to identify an optimal intensity of implementation of selected sustainability practices referred as sustainability program for maximising manufacturing industry sustainability performance for a known set of budgetary and minimum thresholds constraints with respect to economic, social and socio-economic criteria. Besides modelling the paper proposes a random search procedure embedding the NN to determine the optimal sustainability program and explains the usefulness with a sample problem. Sensitivity analysis is carried out to understand the behaviour of the model. It is observed that the sustainability performances depend on the constraints such as budget limitation and threshold values of performance criterion.

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- B:
- CPI:
Composite Performance Index
- E:
Economic performance in percentage
- \( it _{max}\) :
Maximum iteration
- LR:
Learning rate
- MSE:
Mean square error
- N:
Number of neurons
- S:
Social performance in percentage
- SE:
Socio-economic performance in percentage
- Z:
Overall performance score
- \(Z_{opt}\) :
Optimal performance
- \(B_{max}\) :
Maximum budgetary limit
- \( CPI _j\) :
Composite Performance Index (industry wise)
- \( CPI _j^{A}\) :
CPI score of jth industry derived with MADM approach
- \( CPI _j^{E}\) :
CPI score of jth industry predicted through NN Model
- \(C_{m_p}\) :
Operational cost of pth sustainable practice to its mode m
- \(E_{\mathrm{min}}\) :
Minimum threshold of economic performance in percentage
- i:
Performance dimension
- I:
Number of performance dimensions
- it:
Initial iteration
- j:
Industry identifier (alternative)
- J:
No. of industries
- m:
- M:
Number of modes
- p:
- P:
Number of practices
- \( PWP _{ij}^A\) :
Actual percent weighted performance ith dimension of jth industry
- \( PWP _{ij}^E\) :
Estimated percent weighted performance ith dimension of jth industry
- \( SE _{\mathrm{min}}\) :
Minimum threshold of socio-economic performance in percentage
- \(S_i^k\) :
Performance score for ith dimension to its kth level
- \(S_{m_p}^i\) :
Performance scores for sustainable program,
- \(S_j^i\) :
Performance score for jth industry to ith dimension
- \(S_{\mathrm{min}}\) :
Minimum threshold of social performance in percentage
- \(W_i\) :
Weights of criterion
- \(X_{m_p}^{Opt}\) :
Optimal sustainable program
- \(X_{m_{p}}\) :
Binary variable
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Jawahar, N., Satish Pandian, G., Gunasekaran, A. et al. An Optimization Model for Sustainability Program. Ann Oper Res 250, 389–425 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-015-1928-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-015-1928-z