Today’s business environment is very different from that of the past. New and innovative measures need to be found in order to optimize production and operations management in supply chain systems. Several emerging issues, such as risk and uncertainty management, environmental sustainability, optimal strategies under competition, sophisticated incentive alignment schemes, and optimal operations with strategic consumer behaviors, are critical to the success of modern supply chain management. This introduction provides a concise review of these critical research issues and introduces the related papers featured in this special volume.
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The guest editors sincerely thank the Editor-in-Chief, Professor Endre Boros, and Publication Manager, Katie D’Agosta, for providing excellent advice and support with the organization of this very important special volume. The guest editors would like to express their hearty thanks for Layth Alwan’s kind help and comments during the development of this special volume. Finally, the guest editors are indebted to all referees for their constructive, timely, and valuable review feedbacks on the manuscripts. They also thank all authors for their high quality contribution.
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An Editorial Article for the Special Issue of Emerging Production Optimization Issues in Supply Chain Systems in Annals of Operations Research.
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Choi, TM., Wang, M. & Yue, X. Emerging production optimization issues in supply chain systems. Ann Oper Res 240, 381–393 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-015-1948-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-015-1948-8