As the occurrence of disasters has increased frequently and has resulted in growing concern about their adverse effects on the environment, Sustainable Humanitarian Logistics (SHL) has received great attention recently. SHL aims to reduce disaster damages in an environmentally-friendly manner in the shortest possible time. The terms including ‘environmentally-friendly’ and ‘shortest possible time’ refer to the environmental and social aspects of sustainability. This research proposes a stochastic multi-objective mixed-integer programming model to configure an SHL network during the response phase. Having compared to the research literature, this is the first study that considers economic, social, and environmental aspects of sustainability by incorporating relief cost, deprivation cost, and carbon emissions, respectively. Then, the improved multi-choice goal programming approach is applied to solve the proposed multi-objective model. To indicate the validity of the proposed model, an earthquake that occurred in a region of Kermanshah, Iran, in 2017 is investigated as a real case study. Finally, sensitivity analysis is performed and several managerial and theoretical insights are provided. The results show that exerting environmental issues in humanitarian logistics does not necessarily increase the relief costs, but can be in contrast with the social aspect. Furthermore, a minor increase in the budget of the preparedness phase drastically decreases the response costs.
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Jamali, A., Ranjbar, A., Heydari, J. et al. A multi-objective stochastic programming model to configure a sustainable humanitarian logistics considering deprivation cost and patient severity. Ann Oper Res 319, 1265–1300 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-021-04014-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-021-04014-2