In this paper, we present a novel multimodal framework for video recommendation based on deep learning. Unlike most common solutions, we formulate video recommendations by exploiting simultaneously two data modalities, particularly: (i) the visual (i.e., image sequence) and (ii) the textual modalities, which in conjunction with the audio stream constitute the elementary data of a video document. More specifically, our framework firstly describe textual data by using the bag-of-words and TF-IDF models, fusing those features with deep convolutional descriptors extracted from the visual data. As result, we obtain a multimodal descriptor for each video document, from which we construct a low-dimensional sparse representation by using autoencoders. To qualify the recommendation task, we extend a sparse linear method with side information (SSLIM), by taking into account the sparse representations of video descriptors previously computed. By doing this, we are able to produce a ranking of the top-N most relevant videos to the user. Note that our framework is flexible, i.e., one may use other types of modalities, autoencoders, and fusion architectures. Experimental results obtained on three real datasets (MovieLens-1M, MovieLens-10M and Vine), containing 3,320, 8,400 and 18,576 videos, respectively, show that our framework can improve up to 60.6% the recommendation results, when compared to a single modality recommendation model and up to 31%, when compared to state-of-the art methods used as baselines in our study, demonstrating the effectiveness of our framework and highlighting the usefulness of multimodal information in recommender system.
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Conceiç ao, F.L.A., Pádua, F.L.C., Lacerda, A. et al. Multimodal data fusion framework based on autoencoders for top-N recommender systems. Appl Intell 49, 3267–3282 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-019-01430-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-019-01430-7