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Embedding residuals in graph-based solutions: the E-ResSAGE and E-ResGAT algorithms. A case study in intrusion detection

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Applied Intelligence Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Neural network architectures have been used to address multiple real-world problems with high success. Their extension to graph-structured data started recently to be explored. Graph-neural network (GNN) achieved state-of-the-art performance in multiple problems. In highly imbalanced application domains, such as network intrusion problems, GNN was used to model the network topology. However, in this scenario, the class imbalance problem still affects the performance. Another graph-based solution, the graph attention network (GAT) has also been applied to multiple predictive tasks. Although being a promising avenue, graph-based solutions are still under-explored in imbalanced scenarios. This paper proposes two novel graph-based algorithms, the E-ResSAGE and E-ResGAT algorithms, which build on top of the established GraphSAGE and GAT algorithms, respectively. The key idea is to integrate residual learning into the GNN leveraging the available graph information. Residual connections are added as a strategy to deal with the high class imbalance, aiming at retaining the original information and improving the minority classes’ performance. A case study on intrusion detection is provided. Extensive experiments on four recent intrusion detection datasets show the excellent performance of our proposed approaches, especially when predicting minority classes. We demonstrate that embedding residuals in graph-based algorithms presents a strong advantage when learning under imbalanced domains.

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Fig. 1
Algorithm 1
Algorithm 2
Fig. 2
Algorithm 3
Fig. 3
Fig. 4

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Availability of data and materials

The link to each dataset is listed in Section 4.1. The code for pre-processing steps is included in the Github repository

Code availability

The code for the two proposed models is also included in the Github repository


  1. By replacing addition with concatenation in residual learning, we will learn two different weight matrices for original and residual features, instead of one. This change allows for more model complexity and may deal with more diverse datasets.






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This project received research support from Mitacs Global Research Internship program (amount: CAD $2,856), from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.

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All authors contributed to the study conception and design. Material preparation, data collection, and analysis were performed by Liyan Chang. Liyan Chang and Paula Branco co-wrote and revised the draft of the manuscript and both authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Paula Branco.

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Chang, L., Branco, P. Embedding residuals in graph-based solutions: the E-ResSAGE and E-ResGAT algorithms. A case study in intrusion detection. Appl Intell 54, 6025–6040 (2024).

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