In reality, rain and fog are often present simultaneously, which can greatly reduce the clarity and quality of scene images. However, most unsupervised single image deraining methods primarily concentrate on removing rain streaks and disregard the presence of fog, which often leads to low deraining performance. In addition, these methods generate samples that are too similar and lack diversity, resulting in poor performance when dealing with complex rain scenes. To address the above issues, we propose a novel Asymmetric Cyclic Generative and Adversarial Framework (ACGF) for single image deraining in which the deraining model, which consists of a Rain-fog2Clean (R2C) transformation block and a Clean2Rain-fog (C2R) transformation block, is trained on both synthetic and real rainy images to simultaneously capture both rain streaks and fog features. To better characterize combined rain–fog features in the R2C block, we propose an attention-based rain–fog feature extraction (ARFE) network to exploit the self-similarity of global and local rain–fog information by learning spatial feature correlations. Furthermore, to improve the translational capacity of the C2R block and the diversity of the model on the synthetic rain conversion path, we design a rain–fog feature decoupling and reorganization (RFDR) network by embedding a rainy image degradation model and a mixed discriminator to preserve richer texture details. Extensive experiments on benchmark rain–fog, rain and fog datasets show that our ACGF outperforms state-of-the-art deraining methods.
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This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant numbers [52371373, 62001334]), Fund of National Engineering Research Center for Water Transport Safety [No. A202402] and Technology Innovation and Development Project of Supports Enterprise of Hubei Province (Grant numbers [2021BLB172]).
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Liu, W., Zhang, C., Chen, C. et al. Deep single image deraining using an asymmetric cyclic generative and adversarial framework. Appl Intell 54, 6776–6798 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-024-05494-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-024-05494-y