Membership inference attack opens up a newly emerging and rapidly growing research to steal user privacy from text classification models, a core problem of which is shadow model construction and members distribution optimization in inadequate members. The textual semantic is likely disrupted by simple text augmentation techniques, which weakens the correlation between labels and texts and reduces the precision of member classification. Shadow models trained exclusively with cross-entropy loss have little differentiation in embeddings among various classes, which deviates from the distribution of target models, then impacts the embeddings of members and reduces the F1 score. A competitive and High-Availability Membership Inference Attack against Text Classification Model (HAMIATCM) is proposed. At the data level, by selecting highly significant words and applying text augmentation techniques such as replacement or deletion, we expand knowledge of attackers, preserving vulnerable members to enhance the sensitive member distribution. At the model level, constructing contrastive loss and adaptive boundary loss to amplify the distribution differences among various classes, dynamically optimize the boundaries of members, enhancing the text representation capability of the shadow model and the classification performance of the attack classifier. Experimental results demonstrate that HAMIATCM achieves new state-of-the-art, significantly reduces the false positive rate, and strengthens the capability of fitting the output distribution of the target model with less knowledge of members.

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The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. The Medical Text Classification is available from the Kaggle, which doesn’t contain sensitive personal information, and it only for theoretical research.
Additionally, all data are cited references and sources.
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The work was supported by 242 National Information Security Projects (no.2020A065).
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1. We introduce a competitive attack method, HAMIATCM, designed to optimize member distributions, particularly well-suited for general text classification models with limited knowledge of members. The approach aims to broaden the distribution difference between members and non-members based on the shadow model.
2. A conditional data augmentation technique guided by labels is designed. It incorporates label correlation with importance score to preserve crucial and susceptible words associated with member distributions.
3. A robust and powerful contrastive learning objective function is constructed to extract distribution differences in embeddings among multiple classes from the shadow model. And the joint loss function concentrates on the relationship between augmented data and labels, strengthening the representation of multiple classes and the adaptability and generalization of the shadow model.
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Appendix 1: Details of HAMIATCM and target models
In this section, we perform two steps on the target model: splitting data and training the target model.
Prior to fine-tuning the target text classification model \({C}_{t}\), data preprocessing is performed as a preliminary step. Subsequently, leveraging the conditional data augmentation technique outlined in Section 3.2, we synthesize comparable shadow train samples based on label correlation. Following this, employing the text encoder BERT [36] denoted as \({E}_{s}\) (defined in Section 3.3.1), we extract the text semantic representation of the original samples and the augmented samples. Third, aiming to enhance the performance of the shadow model, we introduce an objective function that incorporates contrastive loss for samples, adaptive boundary loss, and classification cross-entropy loss (explained in Section 3.3.2). Upon completion of the full training process, we acquire a shadow model with an equivalent representation, denoted as \(E_s^{\prime}\).
Based on the shadow model, we train the attack model. We apply the \({A}^{{\prime }}\) for classifying the testing samples as the result of the evaluation phase. We divide the texting samples into four parts \(S=\{{X}_{tm},{X}_{sm},{X}_{a},{X}_{test}\}\), where \({X}_{tm}=\{{x}_{tm1},{x}_{tm2},{\dots ,x}_{tmN}\}\) is used to train target model \({C}_{t}, {X}_{sm}=\{{x}_{sm1},{x}_{sm2},{\dots ,x}_{smN}\}\) is used to train shadow model \({E}_{s}\) which is disjoint with \({X}_{tm}\) and on the same distribution, where \(\left|{X}_{tm}\right|=\left|{X}_{sm}\right|, {X}_{a}=\{{x}_{a1},{x}_{a2},{\dots ,x}_{an}\}\) is used to train binary attack classifier \({\rm A} \ \text{and} \ {X}_{test}=\{{x}_{1},{x}_{2},{\dots ,x}_{m}\}\) is used to test the performance of \({A}^{{\prime }}\).
For the above process, \({X}_{tm} \ \text{and} \ {X}_{sm}\) have the corresponding labels \({L}_{m}=\{{L}_{m1},{L}_{m2},\dots {L}_{mN}\},{L}_{mi} \in\{1,2, \dots, C\}\) where C is the number of classes. \(X_{a} \ \text{and} \ X_{test}\) have the corresponding labels\(y_m\in\{1,0\}.\)
In this paper, it’s necessary to train a generalized target model aimed at evaluating the performance of HAMIATCM. Early-stop was used throughout the training process, qualitatively contrasting the target models in training samples and testing samples to ensure that objective variables such model overfitting are not influencing the attack performance. Detailed training process of target model as shown in Appendix Fig. 12.
1.1 Details of target models
To start with, the input is a sequence of tokens \(X_{tm}=\{{x}_{tm1},{x}_{tm2},\dots,{x}_{tmN}\}\) with a corresponding class label \({L}_{tm}=\{{L}_{tm1},{L}_{tm2},\dots {L}_{tmN}\},\{{L}_{tmi}\in\{1,2,\dots, C\}\) where C is the total number of classes. To identify the relationship between the input text and the corresponding label, a target text classification model is established.
From the viewpoint of an attacker, we face the challenge whether to maximize the log-likelihood of the appropriate label (i.e., \(log\mathbb{P}\left({L}_{tmi}|{x}_{tmi}\right)\), \(i\in \{\text{1,2},\dots ,N\}\)).
The target model performs two steps of text preprocessing and word embedding. To obtain the text embedding for a training sample, we imposed on the training sample to BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) [36]. The first \(\left[CLS\right]\) vector of the hidden layer of the model serves as the embedding for the entire training sample. Then, to accomplish the downstream task of classification, the hidden text representation is given to fully connected layers. Following the computation of the classification cross-entropy loss, the parameter of the target model \({C}_{t}\) is gradually updated. The details are shown in (A.1):
\({\varvec{v}}_{\varvec{i}}\) is the \(i\)th hidden train embedding obtained after encoding. Then, to convert it into the following classification space and boost the neural network’s capacity for nonlinear fitting, we put \({\varvec{v}}_{\varvec{i}}\) to fully connected layer. Next, by employing the \(softmax\) function, we generate a label prediction \(\varvec{p}\) formulated (A.2):
Second, after previous work, we use a binary cross-entropy loss function, where \({L}_{tmi}\) is the ground truth. \(\varvec{p}\) is the probability of the ground truth. \({\mathcal{L}}_{ce}\) is classification cross-entropy detailed in formula (A.3).
Third, a target model \({C}_{t}\) is trained by classification cross-entropy loss in the training phrase. Moreover, we can run the attack based on \({C}_{t}^{{\prime }}\). Similar to prior work (Shokri et al., 2017; Carlini et al., 2021) [11, 16], our method assumes access to the prediction of the target model, where it receives a sequence of tokens and generates a class prediction with its corresponding probability.
Appendix 2: Experimental settings
In this section, we show the details of the architecture and hyperparameters of the attack model we proposed in this paper.
The experiment about parameters on training a target model is shown in Appendix Tables 12 and 13. The max_seq_length is 128, train_batch_size is 64, eval_batch_size is 64, learning_rate is 5e-5, num_train_epoch is 4, tem is the temperature parameter of contrast learning, which is a length of 0 to 1, lam is a length of 0 to 1.
First, we split the dataset into two disjoint parts, and fine-tuning BERT or SimCSE on three datasets (AG NEWS, BLOG, TP) as our target classification model. We will divide each dataset into four equal parts, which will be referred to as the training set of target model \({X}_{tm}\), testing set of target model \({X}_{tnm}\), training set of shadow model \({X}_{sm}\), and training set of attack model \({X}_{snm}\), respectively. \({X}_{a}\) will be used to train the attack classifier.
Second, we fine-tuning a target downstream classifier which has three fully connected layers. The details on the training target model are shown as follows Appendix Fig. 13.
Above all, two kinds of target models train on three datasets which is generalized. In the experiment the on BERT, AG NEWS reaches train accuracy and test accuracy to 83.01%, and 80.16%. We similarly select a BERT as shadow model, which has a train accuracy and test accuracy of 97.11%, and 90.54%. BLOG on target model reaches train accuracy and test accuracy to 89.16%, 86.02%. Then, we select BERT on BLOG as shadow model, which has a train accuracy and test accuracy to 91.44%, 87.71%. TP on target model reaches train accuracy and test accuracy to 82.40%, 80.28%. We fine-tuning BERT on TP as shadow model, which has a train accuracy and test accuracy to 84.38%, 80.41%.
The experiment on SimCSE, AG NEWS reaches train accuracy and test accuracy to 92.72%, 87.25%. We fine-tune a SimCSE as shadow model, which has a train accuracy and test accuracy to 97.71%, 96.75%. BLOG on target model reaches train accuracy and test accuracy to 92.97%, 86.36%. We select SimCSE on BLOG as a shadow model, which has a train accuracy and test accuracy to 89.45%, 87.82%. TP on target model reaches train accuracy and test accuracy to 87.70%, 83.95%. SimCSE on TP as shadow model, which has a train accuracy and test accuracy to 89.06%, 87.50%.
The details are listed as follows in Appendix Tables 14 and 15. Additionally, we can take three datasets about the difference on text distribution, which are shown as below Appendix Fig. 14.
Appendix 3: The supplementary experiments of medical text classification
In this section, we implemented experiments on publicly available Medical Text Classification (MTC) datasets. This choice was made to assess the privacy implications without the compromise of personal sensitive information. The experiment is confined to research purposes only and does not involve issues such as medical ethics.
We select four prevalent target models designed for medical datasets as our target, including BERT-based models, longformer-based models, clinical-based models and mimic-simcse models. These models are specifically tailored for processing medical text, which often includes sensitive information. The objective is to verify the potential privacy leakage concerning patient information in distinct medical and clinical text classification scenarios. It is worth noting that, during the research of medical text data classification scenarios, a portion of the research relied on experiments involving MIMIC-III [3]. However, it is crucial that this dataset is not currently publicly available. In the supplementary investigation of two medical text membership inference attacks, neither the data nor the code has been made open source. This also is one of the difficulties and challenges encountered in the application of MIAs within the domain of medical texts.
In light of this, this section discusses the following experiments:
Conducting experiments on de-identified MTC and comparing with comparative methods.
Demonstrating privacy leakage through instantiation.
Implementing attacks based on multiple target models to verify the generalizability and robustness of the method.
The results of comparison experiments are listed in Appendix Table 16.
HAMIATCM demonstrates superior performance when compared to the three other methods under medical texts in Table 16. Of particular note is the noteworthy enhancement in the AR, accentuated by the enhanced feature representation for co-occurring members achieved through conditional data augmentation.
As illustrated in Appendix Fig. 15 and Table 17 above, the mentioned target models are derived from general medical text classification models. Within this context, the first category is associated with clinical data trained on the BERT model, the second category involves medical data employed for fine-tuning the SimCSE model, and the third category encompasses mimic data trained on the DistilBERT model. The last one is that clinical data trained on the Longformer model.
The experimental results reveal that the Attack F1 for the mimic data & distillation model is the highest, whereas the Attack F1 for the medical data & SimCSE model is the lowest. Upon analysis, it is discerned that the member data primarily originates from the mimic-distilbert model, with certain members employed for training the clinical-bert-base model.
As illustrated by the visualizations in Appendix Figs. 16 and 17, the mimic-distilbert dataset displays extensive coverage, suggesting that our testing samples are highly likely to be included in training of the mimic-distilbert and clinical-longformer models.
The memorized contents of the target models are shown in Appendix Table 18. Upon analyzing the members classified by the four target models, occurrences of specific types of words are observed and presented. For example, the four-category model shows an elevated membership likelihood for words such as “##stroke”, “##Lung cancer”, “##Bowel dysfunction” and others, indicating an increased probability of membership.
The number of co-occurring member words is presented in Appendix Fig. 18. This chart provides the frequency of particular words in members, illustrating the potential compromise of privacy in the training samples regarding specific target models. It is essential to emphasize that no individual privacy has been disclosed, and the information is solely employed for statistical analysis.
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Cheng, Y., Luo, S., Pan, L. et al. HAMIATCM: high-availability membership inference attack against text classification models under little knowledge. Appl Intell 54, 7994–8019 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-024-05495-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-024-05495-x