Abundance of unlabelled data and advances in Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) have made it the preferred choice in many transfer learning scenarios. Due to the rapid and ongoing development of SSL approaches, practitioners are now faced with an overwhelming amount of models trained for a specific task/domain, calling for a method to estimate transfer performance on novel tasks/domains. Typically, the role of such estimator is played by linear probing which trains a linear classifier on top of the frozen feature extractor. In this work we address a shortcoming of linear probing — it is not very strongly correlated with the performance of the models finetuned end-to-end— the latter often being the final objective in transfer learning— and, in some cases, catastrophically misestimates a model’s potential. We propose a way to obtain a significantly better proxy task by unfreezing and jointly finetuning batch normalization layers together with the classification head. At a cost of extra training of only 0.16% model parameters, in case of ResNet-50, we acquire a proxy task that (i) has a stronger correlation with end-to-end finetuned performance, (ii) improves the linear probing performance in the many- and few-shot learning regimes and (iii) in some cases, outperforms both linear probing and end-to-end finetuning, reaching the state-of-the-art performance on a pathology dataset. Finally, we analyze and discuss the changes batch normalization training introduces in the feature distributions that may be the reason for the improved performance. The code is available at https://github.com/vpulab/bn_finetuning.

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This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España under projects TED2021-131643A-I00 (SEGA-CV) and PID2021-125051OB-I00 (HVD).
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Kirill Sirotkin: conceptualization, coding, writing, original draft preparation, investigation. Marcos Escudero-Viñolo, Pablo Carballeira, Álvaro García-Martín: methodology, investigation, validation, review, editing.
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Appendix A Many-shot learning
Tables 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 provide the complete experimental results for the experiments in the many-shot regime, described in Section 4.1 of the main paper. As can be seen from the tables, BN finetuning consistently outperforms standard linear probing across studied datasets, with the exception of DTD (see Table 9) where linear evaluation reaches a slightly higher accuracy for DeepCluster-v2, BYOL, SeLa-v2, MoCo-v2, SwAV and Supervised models. Moreover, Tables 4 and 6 further illustrate the advantages of BN-finetuning BN finetuning on the datasets, for which the improvement with respect to linear probing is most significant (see Fig. 3 and Section 4.1).
Appendix B BatchNorm parameters
Additionally, we provide the complete results on the distributions of relative changes of BatchNorm affine and normalization parameters before and after BN finetuning for every studied model (see Section 4.3). To improve readability, the results are arranged as an HTML page available at http://www-vpu.eps.uam.es/publications/BN-FT_SSL_transferability/. The results obtained for the models, other than the ones mentioned in the main paper, fortify the conclusions and demonstrate that the gain in performance and the magnitude of parameter change seem to be correlated.
Appendix C Distributions of feature embeddings
Finally, we provide the complete results on the difference of distributions of feature embeddings before and after BN finetuning for Aircraft and Stanford cars datasets (see Section 4.3). To improve readability, the results are arranged as an HTML page available at http://www-vpu.eps.uam.es/publications/BN-FT_SSL_transferability/. Similarly to results for BYOL and PCL-v1 depicted on Fig. 5, results for other SSL models show the same trend— learned BN parameters lead to a better alignment of source (upstream) and target (downstream) features.
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Sirotkin, K., Escudero-Viñolo, M., Carballeira, P. et al. Improved transferability of self-supervised learning models through batch normalization finetuning. Appl Intell 54, 11281–11294 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-024-05758-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-024-05758-7