The expanding application of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) in industries is drawing increasing attention to energy efficiency improvement and cost reducing during the secondary processing, particularly in milling. Machining parameter optimization is a practical and economical way to achieve this goal. However, the unclear milling mechanism and dynamic machining conditions of CFRP make it challenging. To fill this gap, this paper proposes a DRL-based approach that integrates physics-guided Transformer networks with Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (PGTTD3) to optimize CFRP milling parameters with multi-objectives. Firstly, a PG-Transformer-based CFRP milling energy consumption model is proposed, which modifies the existing De-stationary Attention module by integrating external physical variables to enhance modeling accuracy and efficiency. Secondly, a multi-objective optimization model considering energy consumption, milling time and machining cost for CFRP milling is formulated and mapped to a Markov Decision Process, and a reward function is designed. Thirdly, a PGTTD3 approach is proposed for dynamic parameter decision-making, incorporating a time difference strategy to enhance agent training stability and online adjustment reliability. The experimental results show that the proposed method reduces energy consumption, milling time and machining cost by 10.98%, 3.012%, and 14.56% in CFRP milling respectively, compared to the actual averages. The proposed algorithm exhibits excellent performance metrics when compared to state-of-the-art optimization algorithms, with an average improvement in optimization efficiency of over 20% and a maximum enhancement of 88.66%.

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- \({Q}^{\prime}\) :
Query matrix
- \({K}^{\prime}\) :
Key matrix
- \({V}^{\prime}\) :
Value matrix
- \(\Psi\) :
Physical variables
- \(SS\left(\cdot \right)\) :
Self-supervised Self-compensation function
- \({\Gamma }^{i}\) :
Optimization task set
- \({E}_{tatol}\) :
Total energy (Wh)
- \({E}_{\tau }\) :
Real-time energy consumption (Wh)
- \({E}_{p}\) :
Total milling energy consumption (Wh)
- \({T}_{p}\) :
Total milling process time (s)
- \({EC}_{p}\) :
Total machining process cost ($)
- \(n\) :
Spindle speed (rpm)
- \({f}_{r}\) :
Feed rate (mm/min)
- \({F}_{c}\) :
Cutting force (N)
- \(HV\) :
- \(PF\) :
Pareto frontier
- \(\alpha\) :
Coefficient for controlling guidance degree
- \(\beta\) :
Coefficient for controlling guidance degree
- \(\xi\) :
- \(\lambda\) :
Adjustment factor
- \({k}_{1}\) :
The electric cost per unit energy ($/Wh)
- \({k}_{2}\) :
The indirect cost per unit time ($/s)
- \({g}_{j}^{i}\) :
The machining constraint functions
- \({s}_{t}\) :
The environmental state at time \(t\)
- \({a}_{t}\) :
- \({r}_{tr}\) :
Immediate-reward policy
- \({r}_{sr}\) :
Sparsely distributed rewards
- \({V}_{\pi }\left(s\right)\) :
An expected return
- \({U}_{t}\) :
Long-term return
- \({Q}^{*}(s,a)\) :
- \({Q}_{\pi }^{*}({a}_{t}|{s}_{t})\) :
Maximize expected return
- \({Q}_{1}(\cdot |{{w}_{1}}^{{Q}_{1}})\),\({Q}_{2}(\cdot |{{w}_{2}}^{{Q}_{2}})\) :
Critic networks
- \({\alpha }_{t}\) :
The learning rate
- \({\delta }_{t}\) :
The TD error
- \(\theta\) :
The actor network weight
- \(w\) :
The critic networks weight
Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer
- DRL:
Deep Reinforcement Learning
- DQN:
Deep Q-Network
- DPG:
Deterministic Policy Gradient
Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient
- DBO:
Dung Beetle Optimizer
- GWO:
Grey Wolf Optimization
- GA:
Genetic Algorithm
- MEC:
Milling Energy Consumption
- MDP:
Markov Decision Process
Multi-Objective Grey Wolf Optimizer
Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization
Non-dominated Sorting Dung beetle optimizer
- NSGA3:
Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm III
Non-dominated Sorting Whale Optimization Algorithm
- PG-Transformer:
Physics-Guided Transformer
Physics-Guided Transformer and TD3
- PSO:
Particle Swarm Optimization
- TD3:
Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient
- WOA:
Whale Optimization Algorithm
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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NO. 51975432, 52375508, 52075396), ‘The 14th Five Year Plan’ Hube Province advantaged characteristic disciplines (groups) project of Wuhan University of Science and Technology (2023B0405), The Logistics Education Reform and Research Project (NO. JZW2023252), and Major Project of Hubei Province Science and Technology (NO. 2023BCA006).
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Meihang Zhang: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Formal analysis, Data curation, Original draft, Review & editing; Hua Zhang: Conceptualization, Resources, Supervision, Funding acquisition; Wei Yan: Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Formal analysis, Resources, Review & editing, Supervision, Funding acquisition; Lin Zhang: Validation, Data curation; Zhigang Jiang: Resources, Funding acquisition.
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Zhang, M., Zhang, H., Yan, W. et al. Multi-objective optimization enabling CFRP energy-efficient milling based on deep reinforcement learning. Appl Intell 54, 12531–12557 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-024-05800-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-024-05800-8