Probabilistic forecasting offers insights beyond point estimates, supporting more informed decision-making. This paper introduces the Neural Quantile Function with Recurrent Neural Networks (NQF-RNN), a model for multistep-ahead probabilistic time series forecasting. NQF-RNN combines neural quantile functions with recurrent neural networks, enabling applicability across diverse time series datasets. The model uses a monotonically increasing neural quantile function and is trained with a continuous ranked probability score (CRPS)-based loss function. NQF-RNN’s performance is evaluated on synthetic datasets generated from multiple distributions and six real-world time series datasets with both periodicity and irregularities. NQF-RNN demonstrates competitive performance on synthetic data and outperforms benchmarks on real-world data, achieving lower average forecast errors across most metrics. Notably, NQF-RNN surpasses benchmarks in CRPS, a key probabilistic metric, and tail-weighted CRPS, which assesses tail event forecasting with a narrow prediction interval. The model outperforms other deep learning models by 5% to 41% in CRPS, with improvements of 5% to 53% in left tail-weighted CRPS and 6% to 34% in right tail-weighted CRPS. Against its baseline model, DeepAR, NQF-RNN achieves a 41% improvement in CRPS, indicating its effectiveness in generating reliable prediction intervals. These results highlight NQF-RNN’s robustness in managing complex and irregular patterns in real-world forecasting scenarios.
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All datasets can be downloaded in the following URLs: − synthetic data
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(https://archive.ics.uci.edu/dataset/321/electricityloaddiagrams20112014) − traffic [1, 44]
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This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2023S1A5A2A03086550).
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Jungyoon Song: Conceptualization, Methodology, Visualization, Writing − original draft, Woojin Chang: Writing − review & editing, Supervision, Jae Wook Song: Conceptualization, Writing − review & editing, Validation, Supervision.
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Appendix A Abbreviations & Symbols
The abbreviations and symbols used in this paper are summarized in Table 9.
Appendix B Proper scoring rules
Based on the work of [19],
for the expected score under Q when the probabilistic forecast is P. The scoring rule S is proper relative to \(\mathcal {P}\) if
It is strictly proper relative to \(\mathcal {P}\) if (B2) holds with equality if and only if \(P = Q\).
Appendix C Detailed preprocessing of datasets
1.1 C.1 Synthetic datasets
The synthetic dataset used in this study comprises four distinct time series input variables. The first input variable consists of scaled observations from a one-lagged time series, denoted by \(z_{i,t-1}\). The second input variable serves as a time index, represented by \(t-1\) within the range \([0, \dots , 41]\). The third input variable represents weekly seasonality, calculated as \(t - 1 \;\text {mod}\; 7\), within the range \([0, \dots , 6]\). The fourth input variable is an item-related covariate, represented by an integer identifier that specifies the group to which a particular observation belongs. To standardize these input features, both the second and third variables are normalized using z-score normalization.
1.2 C.2 Real-world datasets
For the real-world datasets, each time series input is denoted as \(x_{i,t} \in \mathbb {R}^{T \times D}\), where supplementary input variables are associated with time-dependent covariates. The first input variable is the scale-adjusted observation of a one-lagged time series, \(z_{i,t-1}\). Additional input variables include time-related covariates derived from the date information in each dataset, such as hours (ranging from 0 to 23), weekdays (ranging from 0 to 6), months (ranging from 1 to 12), and quarters (ranging from 1 to 4). These covariates are represented by integer values and used as input features.
Another time-related covariate, age, represents the temporal distance from the initial observation within each time series. This variable is adjusted according to the time granularity specific to each dataset.
Additionally, an item-related covariate is included to identify specific series within each dataset. This covariate is also represented by an integer value; for example, in the electricity dataset, it corresponds to the customer index (ranging from 0 to 370) and is linked to the input embedding dimension. The time-related covariates undergo z-score normalization to ensure consistency across varied scales and to enhance model performance. The dataset is generated using a stride equal to the decoder length to avoid overlapping instances in model training, validation, and testing during forecasting.
Appendix D Hyperparameter sets for models
1.1 D.1 Synthetic datasets
For the synthetic datasets, the hyperparameters for each model are defined as follows. For the QRF model, the hyperparameters include the number of estimators, set to either 50 or 100, and the maximum depth, set within the range of 5, 10, or 15. Deep learning-based models use a standardized set of hyperparameters, including a learning rate of either 0.005 or 0.01 and item-related embedding dimensions of 1 or 5. The QRNN, SQF-RNN, IQN-RNN, and NQF-RNN models are configured with RNN hidden dimensions set to 20 or 60, with three hidden layers. The SQF-RNN model specifies the number of knot positions L as 5 or 10. For the NQF-RNN model, the quantile function comprises DNN layers configured as [32, 16] or [8, 4]. The NHITS model incorporates hyperparameters, including an aggregation kernel size defined as [2, 2, 1], [2, 2, 2], or [4, 2, 1], and frequency downsampling set to [4, 2, 1], [14, 7, 1], or [28, 14, 1]. This model also utilizes three blocks, with linear interpolation mode and Maxpool1d as the pooling mode.
1.2 D.2 Real-world datasets
For the real-world datasets, the hyperparameters for each model are as follows. The QRF model includes the number of estimators, set to either 50 or 100, and the maximum depth, set within the range of 5, 10, or 15. Deep learning-based models employ a standard set of hyperparameters, including a learning rate of 0.001 or 0.005 and item-related embedding dimensions of 5 or 20. The QRNN, SQF-RNN, IQN-RNN, and NQF-RNN models have RNN hidden dimensions set to 20, 40, or 60, across three hidden layers. The SQF-RNN model specifies a number of knot positions L as 5 or 10. For the NQF-RNN model, the quantile function incorporates DNN layers configured as [64, 32, 16, 8], [128, 64], [64, 32], or [16, 8]. The NHITS model includes hyperparameters such as an aggregation kernel size set to [2, 2, 1], [2, 2, 2], or [4, 2, 1], and frequency downsampling set to [4, 2, 1], [24, 12, 1], or [168, 24, 1]. This model also employs three blocks, using linear interpolation mode and Maxpool1d as the pooling mode. For each hyperparameter set, the model achieving optimal validation performance is selected for the final evaluation.
Appendix E Visualization of probabilistic forecasting in four real-world datasets
Examples of results for the traffic, M4-hourly, tourism-monthly, and tourism-quarterly datasets are presented in Figs. E1, E2, E3, and E4, respectively.
In panel (a), the solid gray line positioned outside the yellow box represents the conditioning range, which serves as input to the models along with various covariates. Using this input, the models perform multistep-ahead forecasting for the prediction range, depicted by a solid black line. Panels (b) through (j) display the probabilistic forecasting results within the prediction range for different models. The solid red line denotes the point forecasts, while the dotted red, orange, and yellow lines correspond to the quantiles of 0.1/0.9, 0.05/0.95, and 0.01/0.99 of the prediction intervals, respectively.
Figure E1 suggests that the time series across models exhibit comparable patterns but differ in scale of \(y-axis\). Figure E2 shows that, while the time series generally maintain consistent patterns, notable scale differences are also present. Figure E3 indicates that the time series share similar scales but show irregularities. In Fig. E4, the time series predominantly adhere to consistent historical patterns.
In terms of performance, the GARCH and QRF models demonstrate inadequate predictive accuracy. QRNN encounters challenges in forecasting beyond the median range, while DeepAR tends to produce relatively broader prediction intervals compared to other probabilistic time series models. In contrast, other deep learning-based probabilistic time series models exhibit more effective pattern learning and generate reasonable prediction intervals. Notably, NQF-RNN achieves the narrowest prediction intervals across all datasets, effectively capturing the evolution of the original time series.
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Song, J., Chang, W. & Song, J.W. NQF-RNN: probabilistic forecasting via neural quantile function-based recurrent neural networks. Appl Intell 55, 183 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-024-06077-7
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-024-06077-7