While the development of one software verification tool is often seen as a difficult task, the realization of a tool combining various verification techniques is even more complex. This paper presents an innovative tool for verification of C programs called Sante (Static ANalysis and TEsting). We show how several tools based on heterogeneous techniques such as abstract interpretation, dependency analysis, program slicing, constraint solving and test generation can be combined within one tool. We describe the integration of these tools and discuss particular aspects of each underlying tool that are beneficial for the whole combination.

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The authors thank Patrick Baudin, Bernard Botella, Loïc Correnson, Benjamin Monate, Virgile Prevosto and Julien Signoles for their support and advice, as well as the editors and anonymous referees for profound analysis of the paper and lots of valuable comments. Special thanks to Alain Giorgetti and Jacques Julliand for their contribution on the theoretical aspects of the Sante method.
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Chebaro, O., Cuoq, P., Kosmatov, N. et al. Behind the scenes in SANTE: a combination of static and dynamic analyses. Autom Softw Eng 21, 107–143 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10515-013-0127-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10515-013-0127-x