By far, many package cohesion metrics have been proposed from internal structure view and external usage view. Based on whether client usage context (i.e., the way packages are used by their clients) is exploited, we group these metrics into two categories: non-context-based and context-based. Currently, there is no comprehensive empirical research devoted to understanding the actual value of client usage context for fault-proneness prediction. In this study, we conduct a thorough empirical study to investigate the value of considering client usage context in package cohesion for fault-proneness prediction. First, we use principal component analysis to examine the relationships between context-based and non-context-based cohesion metrics. Second, we employ univariate logistic regression analysis to investigate the correlation between context-based cohesion metrics and fault-proneness. Then, we build multivariate prediction models to analyze the ability of context-based cohesion metrics for fault-proneness prediction when used alone or used together with non-context-based cohesion metrics. To obtain comprehensive evaluations, we evaluate the effectiveness of these multivariate models in the ranking and classification scenarios from both cross-validation and across-version perspectives. The experimental results show that (1) context-based cohesion metrics are complementary to non-context-based cohesion metrics; (2) most of context-based cohesion metrics have a significantly negative association with fault-proneness; (3) when used alone or used together with non-context-based cohesion metrics, context-based cohesion metrics can substantially improve the effectiveness of fault-proneness prediction in most studied systems under both cross-validation and across-version evaluation. Client usage context has an important value in package cohesion for fault-proneness prediction.
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The work in this paper is supported by the National Key Basic Research and Development Program of China (2014CB340702), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (91318301, 61432001, 61321491, 61300051, 61272082), and the National Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20130014)
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Appendix 1: Principal component analysis results
Tables 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 show the rotated components from PCA for the six data sets. The second to fourth rows in the tables show the eigenvalue, the percentage of variance explained by each PC, and the cumulative percentage of variances. The remaining rows, starting with the fifth row, show the loading of each metric in each PC, which indicates the degree of correlation with the PC. In each row, the loading with the largest absolute value is shown in bold. This enables us to observe which metrics capture the same property and hence belong to the same PC.
Appendix 2: The multivariate logistic regression models
Table 25 summarizes the “N”, “C”, and “C+N” models for each data set. The first column indicates the data set and the second column is the type of the multivariate logistic regression model. The third column shows the R square. The remaining columns, starting from the fourth column, show the selected independent variables. Below each variable name, we present the corresponding coefficient and p value.
Appendix 3: Comparison between cohesion metrics and traditional metrics
Table 26 describes the most commonly used twenty traditional metrics, including SLOC, structural complexity, halstead, and process churn metrics. All these metrics are collected in package level in our study. We build two types of multivariate logistic regression models: (1) “Cohesion” model (using 16 package cohesion metrics introduced in Sect. 2); (2) “Tradition” model (using 20 traditional metrics in Table 26); Based on ten Java systems introduced in Sect. 3.6, we perform 30 times threefold cross-validation. Fig. 6 shows the fault prediction performance for each model in both ranking and classification scenarios. Each sub-figure corresponds to one distinct data set, and reveals the mean value in terms of CE at \(\pi =0.2\), ER-BPP, ER-BCE, and ER-MFM.
From Fig. 6, we can see that, cohesion metrics outperform traditional metrics in six out of the ten systems (i.e., Cxf 2.1, Flume 1.4, Lucene 2.4, Wicket 6.6, Jdtcore 3.4, and Eclipse 2.0). While in Hive 0.12.0, cohesion metrics perform a little worse than traditional metrics. In Camel 2.9.0, cohesion metrics performs worse in terms of CE at \(\pi =0.2\) and ER-BPP, but performs better in terms of ER-BCE and ER_MFM. For the other two systems Hbase0.96.0 and Eclipse3.0, cohesion metrics and traditional metrics have similar performance for fault prediction. Overall, the results show that cohesion metrics have a better performance than traditional metrics in most of the studied systems in both ranking and classification scenarios.
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Zhao, Y., Yang, Y., Lu, H. et al. Understanding the value of considering client usage context in package cohesion for fault-proneness prediction. Autom Softw Eng 24, 393–453 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10515-016-0198-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10515-016-0198-6